Page 413 - Knack Knots You Need
P. 413

I                                 loop knot, 126                       timber hitch, 50
         improved clinch knot, 128–29      loops, boat                          trucker’s hitch, 46–47
         interlocking loops, 149              bowline, 62–63                 Munter (Italian) hitch, 99
         International Guild of Knot Tyers    bowline on a bight, 64–65
           (IGKT), 8–9                        double bowline, 66–67          N
                                              midshipman’s hitch, 72–73      natural fibers, 13–14
         J                                    running bowline, 70–71         nomenclature, 11
         Japanese bowknot, 165                scaffold knot, 60–61           noose, Hangman’s knot, 32–33
         jute, 13                             triple bowline, 68–69          noose, simple, 31
                                           loops, camping                    nylon, 14
         K                                    figure 8 loop, 28–29
         kemmantle, 15                        Hangman’s knot (noose), 32–33  O
         killick hitch                        overhand loop, 30              overhand knot
       index  instructions, 51             loops, climbing                      classification of, 9
                                              slip knot (simple noose), 31
            security of, 13
                                                                                illustration of, 200, 201
         klemheist knot, 101                  alpine butterfly, 120–22          instructions, 18
         knife lanyard knot, 182–83           figure 8 double loop, 116–17      strength of, 12
                                              figure 8 follow-through, 114–15  overhand knot with draw loop, 19
         L                                    figure 8 triple loop, 118–19   overhand loop, 30
         laid ropes, 14–15                    loop knot, 126
         lanyard knots, decorative            Spanish bowline, 123–25        P
            braid knot, 176–77             loops, fishing                    Palomar knot, 146–47
            Chinese butterfly knot, 181       angler’s (perfection) loop, 156–57  perfection loop, 156–57
            crown knot, 178–79                double overhand loop, 164      pile (post) hitch, 84
            five-lead flat-sinnet, 174–75     dropper loop, 162–63           pole hitch, 82–83
            four-ply knot, 173                Rapala knot, 160–61            polypropylene ropes, 14
            knife lanyard knot, 182–83        trombone loop, 158–59          Prusik knot
            simple lanyard knot, 172                                            illustration of, 198, 199
            two-strand Matthew Walker, 180  M                                   instructions, 102–3
         leather, 13                       manila, 13
         lines, 13–16                      measurements, 12                  R
         lines, joining                    midshipman’s hitch, 72–73         Rapala knot, 160–61
            Albright knot, 152–53          monkey’s fist, 188–89             rolling hitch
            blood knot, 150–51             mountain mule hitch, 197             instructions, 80
            double uni-knot, 154–55        moving hitches, camping              International Guild of Knot Tyers
            interlocking loops, 149           killick hitch, 51                    and, 9
         liquid whipping, 15                  tautline hitch, 48–49          rope ends, 15

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