Page 132 - E-Book-Teerapong-รวมผลงานSandbox
P. 132

(บทคัดย่อ ภาษาอังกฤษ จ านวน 1 หน้ากระดาษ)

                                 Transmission of multi-parameter vital signs for telemedicine
                                                 Arporn Teeramongkonrasmee

                                                         October 2020

                              This research presents the development of a multi-parameter health monitoring
                       system  for  telemedicine  applications.  Our  health  monitoring  system  is  capable  of
                       monitoring blood pressure, body temperature, and ECG waveform.  The system is designed

                       to be used at home, easy to use by the elderly to collect their vital signs.  In our health
                       monitoring,  the  data  from  different  health  parameters  are  obtained  and  automatically

                       transmitted to a database in the cloud. The collected biomedical data can be easily using
                       a  conventional  web-browser  on  a  mobile  device  (smartphone,  tablet,  or  laptop).  The

                       developed web-based system also supports a teleconference function in which a patient
                       can receive a consult from a medical professional.

                       [เลขทสัญญารบทน E.๖๒-๐-(๒)-๐๐๑]                                                   ค
                                                                                        แบบ กทปส. ME-003
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