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Love and Marriage

     Love, Marriage, and Family in the Military Kit

     #9354  Despite primarily focusing on its mission, the military makes lots of room for love, marriage, and family. In-
     deed, it recognizes the importance of strong and healthy families. But it’s not the same as love, marriage, and family
     in the civilian world. The issues are different, and the sacrifices are many. This special kit pulls together some of the
     best resources for better understanding the military family where deployment, marriage, and children play important
     roles. Can purchase separately. $213.95 for all 11 books. SPECIALS: 5 kits for $999.85; 10 kits for $1,989.00.
        y 5 Love Languages Military Edition ($13.99)    y Operation Military Family ($17.95)
        y Be Safe, Love Mom ($16.99)            y Raising Children in the Military ($17.95)
        y Chicken Soup for the Soul: Military Families ($16.95)    y Special Needs for Families in the Military ($21.95)
        y Leaving War, Finding Love ($14.95)    y Surviving Deployment ($19.95)
        y Military Life 101 ($40.00)            y Wounded Warrior, Wounded Wife ($14.95)
        y Mocha Manual to Military Life ($17.99)

                                                     #7489 SEPARATED BY DUTY, UNITED IN LOVE:
      The 5 Love Languages                           A Guide to Long-Distance Relationships for
      Military Edition:                              Military  Couples.  Shellie Vandevoorde.  This prac-
      The Secret to Love That Lasts                  tical,  compassionate  guide  helps military  couples
                                                     cope with the challenges of deployment. Shares
      Gary D. Chapman and                            invaluable  insights  on  the  best  ways  to  handle  all
      Jocelyn Green                           aspects of the deployment experience. 224 pages. 2010. $12.95.
      #9004 Marriage is hard enough,          SPECIALS: 5 copies for $60.95; 10 copies for $119.95; 100
      but it’s especially challenging for     copies for $999.00.
      those experiencing the stress of               #9327 LEAVING WAR, FINDING LOVE:  A Veter-
      frequent moves, lengthy separa-                an’s Transition. Hillary Sigrist. Finally, a military tran-
      tions, and unpredictable sched-                sition book that examines the warrior-marriage expe-
      ules. This powerful book helps military couples navi-  rience. War changes soldiers and their marriages. So
      gate marriage by showing a way to love one another   what should wives do? Notes the difference between
                                                     PTSD and Military Separation Anxiety (MSA), and how
      – a way that powerfully communicates to the heart.   MSA affects marriages. With 48% of all post-9/11 veterans experi-
      Special features include stories of military couples who   encing strains in family relations after leaving the military, this timely
      have found ways to use the 5 love languages in their   book helps every American Hero and their family transition success-
      unique lifestyles; a Decoding Deployments section   fully. 152 pages. 2017. $14.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $139.95;
      with tips on how to express love when you are apart;   100 copies for $1,295.00; 1,000 copies for $11,249.00.
      new chapter on Love Language Scramblers (how to   #9326 OPERATION MILITARY FAMILY: How Mili-
      speak the love languages through challenging times);   tary Couples Are Fighting to Preserve Their Mar-
      and an updated Q&A section with questions spe-  riages. Michael J.R. Schindler. Follows several families
      cific to military marriage. 224 pages. 2013.  $13.99.   through their emotions, struggles, and victories prior
      SPECIALS: 10 copies for $125.95; 100 copies for   to deployment, throughout deployment, and then
      $1,129.00. Also, see The 5 Love Languages Color-  life together back home. These couples tell how they
      ing Book on page 15 (#9301)                    overcame many of the challenges faced by today’s
                                             military families. 192 pages. 2015. $24.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies
                                             for $225.95; 100 copies for $1,999.00.
                           The 5 Love Languages Collection
                           Gary Chapman                                BESTSELLER!
                           #8007 While marriages may be made in heaven and teenagers at times seem to be
                           from hell, all of these relationships must be nurtured here on earth. These phenom-
                           enal bestsellers explain how people communicate love in different ways. They reveal
                           the wonderful things that happen when men, women, and teenagers learn to speak
                           each other’s language rather than engage in controlling, abusive, and other types
                           of dysfunctional relationships. 2010. Can purchase separately for $15.99 each.
                           SPECIALS: $45.95 for all three books; $429.95 for 10 sets of 3 books (30);
                           $3,709.00 for 100 sets of 3 books (300).
                               y The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts (for couples)
                               y The 5 Love Languages for Men: Tools for Making a Good Relationship Great
                               y The 5 Love Languages of Teenagers: The Secret to Loving Teens Effectively

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