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Not Just Surviving But Thriving. Barbara K. McNally.
Imagine receiving a life-shattering phone call inform- Deployment:
ing you that your deployed spouse has been badly in- A Memoir of a
jured. He returns home broken, angry, conflicted, and Military Marriage
in need of around-the-clock care. What do you do?
Meet the women who were thrust into caretaker roles for loved Marna Ashburn
ones with amputated limbs, brain injuries, burns, and disabilities, #9329 During her husband’s
with virtually no support or training. Post-traumatic stress tears Army deployment to Afghani-
their families apart. They wrestle with huge, imposing questions: stan, Marna Ashburn, a newly
Does he still love me? Must I sacrifice my career forever? How will
this affect my kids? Reveals the innermost thoughts of women single mother, handles every-
who faced these challenges, survived, and thrived. They tell their thing – teach the child to drive, attend little league
stories as brave, strong military spouses. 228 pages. 2016. $14.95. games and school events solo, fix broken dishwashers
SPECIALS: 10 copies for $134.95; 100 copies for $1,295.00; and cars, and celebrate holidays without dad. This book
1,000 copies for $11,249.00. depicts how the children and mother cope during the
#9328 SACRED SPACES: My Journey to the Heart absence of their military member, and how they stay
of Milltary Marriage. Corie Weathers. A vulnerable connected to him while he is 6,000 miles away. Offers
story of the journey that changed Corie’s perspective a window into the homelife and emotional world of
of deployment, herself, and her military marriage. Wife a military family experiencing the stresses, strains, and
of an Army chaplain, Corie sets out on a trip to where joys of deployment and reunion. In the end, this book
her husband was deployed in the hopes of better becomes a meditation on marriage, relationships, and
understanding him. But along the way, she discovers a whole new identity, prompting the reader to question whether the
perspective of herself and her marriage. By sharing her story, she couple can survive the life-changing year of deploy-
hopes to help other military and first-responder couples strengthen
their marriages. 176 pages. 2016. $16.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for ment. 158 pages. October 2017. $37.00. SPECIALS:
$153.95; 100 copies for $1,359.00. 10 copies for $349.95; 100 copies for $3,199.00.
Children and Deployment
Don’t Forget, God Bless Our Troops My Dad’s Deployment:
Jill Biden A Deployment and Reunion
#9357 Inspired by her own grand- Activity Book for Young Children
daughter Natalie, Vice President Joe Julie LaBelle (author) and
Biden’s wife, Jill, tells a story through Chriistina Rodriguez (illustrator)
a child’s eyes of what family life is like #9331 The activities in this fun book reinforce concepts
when a parent is at war across the young children are already learning and give them a safe way
world. When her father leaves for a year of being at war, to ask questions, talk about their feelings, and feel connect-
Natalie knows that she will miss him. Natalie is proud of ed to a deployed parent. Includes appropriate activities for
her father, but there is nothing to stop her from wish- each stage of deployment, from packing to coming home.
ing he was home. 40 pages. 2012. $18.99. SPECIALS: Includes mazes, dot-to-dots, counting, matching, coloring,
10 copies for $169.95; 100 copies for $1,569.00. crafts, telling time, and more. 2009. 112 pages. $9.95. SPE-
CIALS: 10 copies for $89.95; 100 copies for $799.95.
Helping Your Young Child Cope My Mom’s Deployment:
With a Parent’s Deployment A Deployment and Reunion
Jerilyn Marier Activity Book for Young Children
#9468 For parents who want their children to Julie LaBelle (author) and
thrive despite extended separations. Discusses Chriistina Rodriguez (illustrator)
special challenges young children face during a parent’s #9332 The activities in this fun book
deployment and how parents can help them through the are similar to those found in the companion volume, My
pain and grief of separation. Describes 22 easy-to-imple- Dad’s Deployment (#9331). Includes four sections: Get-
ment ways for children to stay connected with the away ting Ready for Deployment, Deployment, Getting Ready
parent, be happy despite the separation, and look forward for Reunion, and Reunion. Includes everything from maz-
to a happy reunion. 44 pages. 2012. $8.95. SPECIALS: 10 es and coloring to crafts. 2010. 112 pages. $9.95. SPE-
copies for $79.95; 100 copies for $729.00. CIALS: 10 copies for $89.95; 100 copies for $799.95.
The Military Family Deployment Kit
#9330 Be sure you stock the following collection of deployment resources that help pre-
pare military families for the trials and tribulations of separation attendant with deployment.
Can purchase separately. $189.95 for all 13 books. SPECIALS: 10 sets of 13 books
(130 books) for $1,739.00; 100 sets of 13 books (1,300 books) for $16,596.00.
y The 5 Love Languages Military Edition ($13.99) y Life After Deployment ($14.95)
y Chicken Soup for the Military Wife’s Soul ($16.95) y My Dad’s Deployment ($9.95)
y Deployment Journal for Kids ($14.95) y My Mom’s Deployment ($9.95)
y Deployment Journal for Spouses ($19.95) y Night Catch ($9.95)
y Deployment Journal for Parents ($19.95) y Surviving Deployment ($19.95)
y Don’t Forget, God Bless Our Troops ($18.99) y The Wishing Tree ($15.95)
y Faith Deployed ($9.99)
orders 800.361.1055 | online ordering 13