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Chicken Soup for the Military Soul Collection
     #9355 Three Chicken Soup for the Soul books focus on military
     spouses, families, and touching acts of kindness. Each book follows a
     similar format – collections of insightful, heart-warming short stories
     that may make your laugh and cry. These books speak to the con-
     cerns of service members, spouses, and their families. Great reads for
     individuals, families, and book club groups! Can purchase separate-
     ly. $16.95 each. SPECIALS: $45.95 for all 3 books;10 copies of
     each (30) for $429.95; 100 copies of each (300) for $3,899.00.
        y Chicken Soup for the Military Wife’s Soul
        y Chicken Soup for the Soul: Military Families  BESTSELLER!
        y Chicken Soup for the Soul: Random Acts of Kindness
            WIFE’S SOUL. Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and   Be Safe, Love Mom:
            Charles Preston. Written by soldiers’ wives and women   A Military Mom’s Stories of
            in the military, the stories here speak directly to those   Courage, Comfort, and Surviving
            who live the life, understand the jargon, and thrive on   Life on the Home Front
            the joys and challenges of military life. They celebrate   Elaine Lowry Brye with Nan Gatewood Satter
    the spirit of women who raise families, maintain homes, and face the
    fears of losing a loved one. 329 pages. 2012. $16.95. SPECIALS: 10   #9320 An intrepid military mother of four military of-
    copies for $154.95;100 copies for $1,399.00.   ficers, serving in four different services, offers gentle
            #9318  CHICKEN SOUP FOR  THE SOUL:  MILI-  guidance and hard-earned wisdom on everything
            TARY FAMILIES:  101 Stories About the Force   from anxious goodbyes and community support to
                                              the healing power of faith and coping with enormous
            Behind the Forces. Amy Newmark. Life for service   sacrifices. 272 pages. 2016.  $16.99.  SPECIALS: 10
            members and their families is full of sacrifice. This book
            pays tribute to these silent heroes. Military families   copies for $155.95; 100 copies for $1,379.95.
            will find inspiration, support, and appreciation in this
    heart-warming collection of feel-good short stories about the im-  #9018  MILITARY SPOUSE JOURNEY:  Discover
    portant role they play in serving their country. They will often laugh   the Possibilities & Live Your Dreams. Kathie High-
    and cry as these stories touch both their hearts and minds. A portion   tower and Holly Scherer. This upbeat and inspiring book
    of the book sales goes to support the USO. 384 pages. 2017. $16.95.   helps military spouses create a sense of purpose and
    SPECIALS: 10 copies for $154.95; 100 copies for $1,399.00.   focus. Emphasizing the “journey,” the authors share les-
                                                     sons learned, reveal success stories, identify five keys
            #9325 THE DEPLOYMENT TOOLKIT: Military Fam-  to happiness, and offer useful life exploration exercises. They help
            ilies and Solutions for a Successful Long-Distance   military spouses explore passions, discover the life they really want
            Relationship.  Janelle Moore and Don Philpott.  Since   to live, create an action plan for realizing their dreams, and building
            9/11, 2.1 miilion service members have deployed to   valuable friendships and support systems along the way. This book
            Iraq and Afghanistan; over half of them were married.   represents the third revised edition of the previously published Help!
            More than 700,000 children have experienced one or   I’m a Military Spouse – I Get a Life Too! 272 pages. 2013. $16.95. SPE-
    more deployments. This book covers the basic challenges military   CIALS: 10 copies for $159.95; 100 copies for $1,399.95.
    families face before, during, and after deployment, as well as the
    many issues relating to separations and long-distance relationships.   #7486 AFTER THE WAR ZONE: A Practical Guide
    Identifies different types of separations and deployments, emotional   for Returning Troops and Their Families. Matthew
    adjustments involved, and resources available to families in the mil-  J. Friedman and Laurie B. Slone, Ph.D.s. A highly practical,
    itary. 300 pages. 2016. $42.00. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $399.95;   user-friendly guide to homecoming – including com-
    100 copies for $3,679.00.                        mon after-effects of war zone exposure and how to
                                                     cope – for returning troops and their families. Covers it
            #8722 WOUNDED WARRIOR, WOUNDED HOME.  all – from homecoming, emotions, trauma, guilt, grief, reconnecting,
            Marshele Carter Waddell and Kelly K. Orr. For every  and support. 256 pages. 2008. $17.99. SPECIALS: 10 copies for
            wounded warrior, there’s a wounded home. When a  $165.95; 100 copies for $1,499.00.
            combat veteran struggles with post-traumatic stress   #4132 MARRIED TO THE MILITARY. A Survival Guide for Mili-
            disorder (PTSD) and/or traumatic brain injury (TBI),   tary Wives, Girlfriends, and Women in Uniform. Meredith Leyva.
            every family member experiences the effects – con-  This savvy guide will help you take control at every point of your ser-
    fusion, hurt, anger, guilt, fatigue, and fear. This book helps hurting   vice member’s career – from filing marriage papers as newlyweds to
    families develop their own plan for physical, emotional, and spiritu-  choosing prenatal and child care when you start a family to figuring
    al wholeness. 208 pages. 2013. $29.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for   out his pension. 224 pages. 2009. $15.99. SPECIALS: 10 copies for
    $269.95; 100 copies for $2,499.95.       $145.95; 100 copies for $1,279.00.
     Military Life 101:                                      The Stars Are Lined Up
     Basic Training for New Military Families                for Military Spouses:
     Janet I. Farley                                         (2nd Edition)
     #6609  Answers many questions                           Kathryn Troutman
     military families have about life                       #9323 Helps military spouses
     in the armed forces. Covers cus-                        navigate the complex federal job
     toms, finances, benefits, child-                        application system.  Covers  four
     care, relocation, spousal employ-                       different ways to land four differ-
     ment, deployments, divorce,                             ent kinds of federal positions: US-
     wounded warriors, surviving                             AJOBS competitive hiring; except-
     loss, military-to-civilian transi-      ed services jobs; Non-Appropriated Fund (NAF) jobs; and
     tion, and much more. Essential          Military Spouse Preference (MSP) Jobs. Each job requires
     information and timely advice           different job search techniques. Includes resume sam-
     for surviving and thriving in to-       ples, step-by-step instructions, and the latest information
     day’s ever-evolving military. 228       on federal hiring changes and initiatives. 144 pages. 2019.
     pages. 2016. $40.00. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $379.95;   $14.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $134.95; 100 copies
     100 copies for $3,639.00.               for $1,199.00.

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