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Military-to-Civilian Resumes and Letters: How to Best
Communicate Your Strengths to Civilian Employers (3rd Edition)
Carl S. Savino and Ronald L. Krannich, Ph.D.
#5726 Get ready to write your way to a new civilian career! But first, can you translate
your military experience into the language of civilian employers? Can you write power-
ful resumes and letters that grab the attention of employers who, in turn, will want to
immediately contact you for a job interview? Here’s the book that provides important
answers to these and many other questions facing transitioning service members. Writ-
ten by two seasoned military transition experts, this book provides all the necessary
information for writing and distributing awesome job-snatching resumes and letters:
y Identifies 12 major myths and mistakes y Includes examples of 105
y Outlines a 10-step job search process resumes and 28 letters
y Reveals 69 key writing, production, y Identifies nearly 400 key
distribution, and follow-up principles military transition and
y Specifies a 6-step military-to-civilian employer websites BESTSELLER!
language translation process y Sells your strengths
Rich with examples and sound career advice, the book also includes several unique self-evaluation instruments, re-
sume data forms, a directory of career professionals, and an extensive resource section of more than 200 career and
life skills books. 368 pages. 2007. ISBN 978-1-57023-267-1. $21.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for 175.60; 100 copies
for $1,317.00; 1,000 copies for $10,998.00. Available on GSA Schedule.
(11th Edition). Dennis V. Damp. The federal gov- for Transitioning Veterans. Janelle Hill, Cheryl Law-
ernment is a great place for transitioning military. horne-Scott, and Don Philpott. Transitioning to the ci-
Includes numerous resources for exploring careers vilian world can be very stressful for service members
and locating job vacancies nationwide and over- and their families. This book goes a long way to alle-
seas. Includes a comprehensive federal application viating the stress. It addresses finding employment,
guide with sample resumes as well as the author’s continuing education, managing finances, receiving
and editor’s personal seasoned advice gained from a combined 100 veterans’ benefits, and many other transition issues. It also examines
years of government service. 320 pages. 2011. $27.95. SPECIALS: the emotional and psychological challenges that accompany such a
10 copies for $239.95; 100 copies for $2,195.00. major transition. 324 pages. 2013. $19.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for
$179.95; 100 copies for $1,695.00.
#4401 OPERATION JOB SEARCH: A Guide #9007 DOWN RANGE: A Transitioning Veter-
for Military Veterans Transitioning to Ci- an’s Career Guide to Life’s Next Phase. James.
vilian Careers. John Henry Weiss. Assists mil- D Murphy and William M. Duke. Designed to help
itary veterans in transitioning to the civilian military veterans develop a satisfying post-mili-
work world. Includes essential resources for tary career. Shows how to build a long-range ca-
launching a job search, with a special section reer plan (called an HDD) across seven key areas.
for female veterans. Stresses the importance Challenges veterans to change their mindset,
of understanding the needs of hiring manag- understand the civilian employment process, and acquire specific
ers and human resources directors as well as meeting employ- interview skills. 224 pages. 2014. $25.00. SPECIALS: 10 copies
ers face-to-face at venues such as job fairs, trade shows, office for $229.95; 100 copies for $1,999.00.
parks, and even Starbucks. Covers establishing an operations
center, making cold calls, dressing appropriately, targeting #8472 OUT OF UNIFORM: Your Guide to a Suc-
military-friendly companies, communicating in civilian-speak, cessful Military-to-Civilian Career Transition.
and much more. 486 pages. 2016. $17.99. SPECIALS: 10 Tom Wolfe. Helps transitioning military personnel
copies for $161.95; 100 copies for $1,439.00. find rewarding civilian jobs and careers. Covers ev-
erything from relocation, education, assessment,
#9003 UNDAUNTED: The Real Story of Amer- research, and references to writing resumes and
ica’s Servicewomen in Today’s Military. Tanya letters, interviewing, and negotiating salary. Offers
Biank. Tells the inside story of women in today’s a transition timeline and numerous helpful tips on tackling the civil-
military – their professional and personal chal- ian work world. 272 pages. 2018. $24.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for
lenges from the combat zone to the home front. $229.95; 100 copies for $1,999.00.
Focuses on the really important issues – fem-
ininity, old boys’ club, discrimination, dating, #9467 THE TRANSITION MISSION: A Green Beret’s Approach
marriage, separation, life goals, careers, and to Transition From Military Service. Herb Thompson. Lays out a
self-worth – facing service women through compelling stories different way of thinking about military transition. Includes such tran-
of four courageous female trailblazers who faced many strug- sition truths as “‘Thank you for your service’ means just that and nothing
gles, sacrifices, and triumphs with true grit: Brigadier General more” and “The more you identify as a service member, the harder it will
Angela Salinas, Second Lieutenant Bergan Flanagan, Sergeant be.” The author reveals his failures in transition and addresses the hard
Amy Stokley, and Major Candice O’Brien. 368 pages. 2014. $16.00. questions one needs to ask and answer. 112 pages. $9.99. SPECIALS:
SPECIALS: 10 copies for $149.95; 100 copies for $1,299.00. 10 copies for $89.95; 100 copies for $799.95.
Jobseeker’s Guide: Ten Steps to a Federal Job for Military
Personnel and Spouses (8th Edition)
Kathryn K.Troutman, with Paulina Chen
#9006 The ultimate military-to-federal jobs guidebook. Used at 150+ military bases to teach
the author’s signature “Ten Steps to a Federal Job” approach. Newest edition contains: the
latest federal Human Resources information; new sample military, spouse, and wounded
warrior resumes; updated USAJOBS instruction and application instruction; where to find
NAF jobs; and DOD and Intelligence community employment opportunities. Also features
new information about veterans and military spouses applying for federal jobs; networking
information for non-competitive jobs with Special Hiring Programs, VRA, 30% or more Disabled Veterans, Schedule
A, and Military Spouse Hiring Programs; career change strategies; and how to negotiate a job offer. 172 pages.
2017. $12.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $119.95; 100 copies for $1,059.00; 1,000 copies for $9,999.00.
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