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Best Transition Solutions
The Ultimate Military-to-Civilian Toolkit
#9321 Nothing comes easy when transitioning from the military. Indeed, you’ll face
many new realities – finding/losing jobs, costly housing, expensive childcare, cross-
generational workplace issues, and more. But you probably qualify for many attractive benefits (education, health care, travel)
that will ease your transition. The following toolkit represents the “best of the best” in military-to-civilian transition resources. Can
purchase separately. SPECIALS: Purchase all 10 products for $129.95; 10 copies of all 10 (100) for $1,199.00; 50 copies
of all 10 (500) for $4,999.00; 100 copies of all 10 (1,000) for $9,995.00; 1,000 copies of all 10 (10,000) for $69,999.00.
y Military-to-Civilian Success for Veterans and y The Military Spouse’s Employment Pocket Guide ($3.95)
Their Families ($24.95) y The Military Family Benefits Pocket Guide ($2.95)
y Military-to-Civilian Transition Guide ($13.95) y The Military Family Education Pocket Guide ($2.95)
y The Military Guide to Financial Independence y The Military Financial Independence and Retirement
and Retirement ($17.95) Pocket Guide ($2.95)
y Marketing Yourself for a Second Career DVD ($49.95) y The Quick 30/30 Job Solution ($14.95)
y Military-to-Civilian Transition Pocket Guide ($2.95)
Military-to-Civilian Success for Veterans and Their Families:
The Ultimate Re-Imagining Guide for Making Smart Re-Careering, Relocation, and Retirement Decisions
Ronald L. Krannich, Ph.D.
#9259 Wow! Representing a massive expansion of the author’s 5+ million copy
Military-to-Civilian Transition Guide, (see #7630 below) this book addresses key
re-careering, relocation, retirement, and benefit issues for transitioning veterans
and their families. Its 19 revealing chapters cover best jobs, top 100 employers, at-
titudes, skills, goals, applications, resumes, letters, dress, online job search, job fairs,
networking, interviews, salary, job offers, career advancement, handling rejections,
overcoming setbacks, and much more. Special features include:
y 150 military-friendly/best employers y 25 job-keeping/advancement tips
y 47 key interview questions to answer y 19 sample resumes /11 sample letters
y 40 myths/realities of the job search y 14 essentials for starting a business
Includes numerous self-assessment tests and exercises, a realistic time line, job
search contract, weekly performance reports, advice on relocation, tips on starting
a business, questions about retirement, and useful military transition resources.
Used as a key training text on bases. 2016. 384 pages. ISBN 978-1-57023-384-5
(paperback) and ISBN 978-157023-391-3 (eBook). $24.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies
for $224.95; 100 copies for $1,746.00; 1,000 copies for $12,475.00.
Military-to-Civilian Transition Guide: A Career
Transition Guide for Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard 5 Million + !
Carl S. Savino & Ronald L. Krannich, Ph.D.
#7630 This remains the most popular career transition guide for service members – “The Gold
Standard” for making a successful career transition. Covers everything from organizing an effective
job search, obtaining transition assistance, developing employer-centered objectives to writing
resumes, networking, interviewing, and finding a government job. Includes numerous self-assess-
ment tests, sample resumes and letters, and resources. BONUS: Features dozens of employers/advertisers, including
Amazon and General Dynamics, eager to hire transitioning military with leadership experience and security clearances.
160 pages. 2011-2012 edition. $13.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $111.60; 100 copies for $698.00 (50% discount!).
The Military Guide to Marketing Yourself for a Second Career:
Financial Independence Finding the Right Job After Military Service
and Retirement Colonel Jerry Crews, U.S. Army Retired
Doug Nordman #5122 Filmed live at a transition seminar in the Pen-
#8026 A U.S. Naval Academy grad- tagon, this insightful and humorous program includes
uate, retired submariner, and wise stories, examples, and analyses of what transitional
financial advisor provides service military and their families need to do to find rewarding
members, veterans, and their fam- second careers. Focuses on re-enlistment, retirement,
ilies with seasoned advice on how spouses, families, benefits, dilemmas, job fairs, finances,
to become financially indepen- security clearances, network-
dent prior to committing themselves to full-time re- ing, resumes, interviews, salary
tirement. Shows how to build a sound financial house negotiations, and much more.
based upon maximizing military benefits, savings, 120 minutes. 2012. ISBN 978-
frugal living, and investing in oneself. 2011. ISBN 978- 1-57023-275-6. $49.95. SPE-
1-57023-319-7. $17.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for CIALS: 10 copies for $349.95;
$134.60; 100 copies for $1,077.00; 1,000 copies 100 copies for $2,499.95.
for $7,180.00. Available on GSA Schedule. Available on GSA Schedule.
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