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Military-Friendly Pocket Guides!
Great Giveaways That Strengthen Today’s Military!
Military and Re-Entry Pocket Guides: The Essential 11
#5519 Fabulous set of inexpensive (9 @ $2.95, 1 @ $3.95, and 1 @ $4.95) pocket guides address transition, finance, em-
ployment, education, benefits, legal, anger, and other important issues related to military personnel and their families.
64 pages each. 3 ” x 4 ”. Copyrights © 2009-2016. $34.95 for all 11 guides. SUPER SPECIALS: 10 sets of 11 (110
guides) for $339.95; 100 sets of 11 (1,100 guides) for $2,619.00; 500 sets of 11 (5,500 guides) for $10,999.00.
y The Military Family Benefits Pocket Guide y The Military Spouse’s Map Through the Maze Pocket Guide
y The Military Family Legal Pocket Guide BESTSELLER! y The Military-to-Civilian Transition Pocket Guide (2nd Edition)
y The Military Family Education Pocket Guide y The Anger Management Pocket Guide
y The Military Financial Independence and Retirement Pocket Guide y The Quick Job Finding Pocket Guide (4th Edition) ($4.95)
y The Military Personal Finance Pocket Guide (2nd Edition) y The Re-Entry Employment and Life Skills Pocket Guide
y The Military Spouse’s Employment Pocket Guide (2nd Edition) (4th Edition) ($3.95)
ET GUIDE. Succinctly summarizes the major ben-
SITION POCKET GUIDE. Filled with the lat-
est transition strategies and tips, this revealing efits available to service members, veterans, and
their families. Covers military pay, health care (TRI-
guide helps identify transferable skills, locate CARE and VA), child care, education, insurance,
the best companies/employers, assess skills, legal assistance, travel, family support, spousal
state goals, complete applications, write re- employment assistance, discounts, relocation, retirement, and
sumes, attend job fairs, network, interview, much, much more. Includes key websites and contact informa-
and negotiate compensation. Covers starting tion. 64 pages. 2011. ISBN 978-1-57023-317-3. $2.95
a business, planning for retirement, finding a federal job, and iden-
tifying references. Jam-packed with engaging checklists, tips, exam- #7669 THE MILITARY FAMILY EDUCATION
ples, and exercises. 64 pages. 2016. ISBN 978-1-57023-382-1. $2.95 POCKET GUIDE. A practical roadmap to the many
educational benefits now available to service mem-
Quantity discounts on all $2.95 pocket guides bers, veterans, and their families. Reveals educational
Per unit discounts/costs Quantity costs opportunities, including information on eligibility, ap-
10-24 copies ......................................10% ($2.60) 10 copies ...................................................$26.55 plications, financial assistance, credits for military expe-
25-49 copies ......................................15% ($2.51) 25 copies ...................................................$62.85 rience, distance learning programs, participating colleges, degrees of-
50-99 copies ......................................20% ($2.36) 50 copies ................................................$118.00
100-499 copies .................................30% ($2.07) 100 copies ..............................................$207.00 fered, and much more. 64 pages. 2011. ISBN 978-1-57023-323-4. $2.95
500-999 copies .................................35% ($1.92) 500 copies ..............................................$960.00 #7186 THE MILITARY SPOUSE’S MAP THROUGH THE
1,000-4,999 copies .........................40% ($1.77) 1,000 copies ...................................... $1,770.00
MAZE POCKET GUIDE. Includes a wealth of useful informa-
tion and tips on how spouses can best navigate
#7142 THE RE-ENTRY EMPLOYMENT & LIFE the military maze. Covers such important topics
SKILLS POCKET GUIDE. This unique non-linear as base services, TRICARE, pay, benefits, educa-
guide helps individuals make smart decisions in tion, health care, deployment, finances, jobs and
key re-entry areas, such as setting goals, finding careers, etiquette, PTSD, injuries, travel, relocation,
a job, and handling personal finances. Filled with moving overseas, retirement, and much more. 64
self-tests, advice, strategies, checklists, forms and pages. 2009. ISBN 978-1-57023-304-3. $2.95
resources. Divided into three major sections – Job Search, Job Sur-
vival and Success, and Life Skills – and includes an Action Planning #7668 THE MILITARY FAMILY LEGAL POCK-
section. 64 pages. 2020. ISBN 978-1-57023-405-7. $3.95 ET GUIDE. Provides a wealth of legal information
on both military and civilian law. Covers such topics
#7384 THE MILITARY PERSONAL FINANCE as the military justice system, free legal advice, mar-
POCKET GUIDE. Reveals insider tips on finan- riage, divorce, deployment, wills, financial protections,
cial planning, budgeting, investment, insurance, debts, leases, taxes, disabilities, education, benefits,
banking, credit cards, borrowing, VA benefits, and much more. Includes key websites, a glossary of terminology, and
and retirement. Covers buying cars and insur- sample documents. 64 pages. 2011. ISBN 978-1-57023-316-6. $2.95
ance, understanding education benefits, paying
for college, handling military pay, taxes, child care services, and #9100 THE ANGER MANAGEMENT POCKET
more. Includes special sections on financial predators, your legal GUIDE. Helps angry men and women better
rights, and starting a home-based business. 64 pages. 2015. ISBN control their emotions. Shows how anger affects
978-1-57023-357-9. $2.95 physical and mental health as well as personal and
#8027 THE MILITARY FINANCIAL INDEPEN- professional relationships. Offers valuable tips on
controlling anger. Jam-packed with revealing self-
DENCE & RETIREMENT POCKET GUIDE. An tests, engaging examples, and practical workbook activities. 64
important roadmap for becoming financially inde- pages. 2015. ISBN 978-1-57023-352-4. $2.95
pendent prior to committing to full-time retirement.
Emphasizes the importance of family, lifestyle, and #9584 QUICK JOB FINDING POCKET GUIDE. Filled
bridge careers. Focuses on the two inflation-pro- with essential how-to information organized around a
tected military benefits for creating a financially independent and 10-step job search process. Helps users quickly: assess
semi-retired lifestyle – military pension and TRICARE. It shows how skills, write resumes/letters, network, interview, negoti-
to create a sound financial house based upon military benefits, sav- ate salary, and much more. 64 pages. © 2021. 64 pages.
ings, investment potfolios, bridge careers, part-time work, and frugal ISBN 978-1-57023-407-1. $4.95. SPECIALS: 25 copies
living. 64 pages. 2011. ISBN 978-1-57023-320-3. $2.95 for $105.00; 100 copies for $359.00; 1,000 copies for $2,575.00.
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