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Bestselling Transition Books
The Military-to-Civilian Transition Pocket Guide
The Veteran’s Guide to Finding Great Jobs and Employers (2nd Edition)
Ronald L. Krannich, Ph.D.
#7192 Our bestselling pocket guide with more than 600,000 copies in print!
Complements the annual Military-to-Civilian Transition Guide and the new
Military-to-Civilian Success for Veterans and Their Families (both featured on
page 3). Filled with the latest strategies and tips for launching a successful mili-
tary-to-civilian transition, this revealing guide helps users:
y Identify transferable military-to-civilian skills
y Locate the best military-friendly companies
y Assess skills and state goals
y Complete applications and write resumes and letters
y Attend and work job fairs effectively
y Network, interview, and negotiate compensation
It also covers such important subjects as starting a business, surviving on the job, planning for retirement, documenting
experience, finding a federal job, and identifying references. Jam-packed with engaging checklists, tips, examples, and
exercises. 64 pages. 3 ” x 4 ”. Fits conveniently into pockets/purses. Copyright © 2016. ISBN 978-1-57023-382-1. $2.95.
SPECIALS: 25 copies for $62.85; 100 copies for $207.00; 1,000 copies for $1,770.00. Available on GSA Schedule.
The Four Best Job Finding and Survival Guides Everyone Needs Today
#6365 All new editions for 2016/2017! Authored by three of America’s top career experts (Bolles,
Krannich, Yate). Offer seasoned advice on everything from self-assessment and goal setting to writ-
ing resumes and letters, networking, negotiating salary, and accepting offers. Can purchase sepa-
rately. $57.95 for all 4 books. SPECIALS: 5 sets for $269.95; 10 sets for $529.95; 25 sets for
$1,299.00; 100 sets (400 books) for $4,899.00.
y Knock ‘Em Dead: The Ultimate Job Search
Guide ($17.99)
y Overcoming Employment Barriers ($19.95)
y The Quick Job Finding Pocket Guide ($3.95) NEW
y What Color Is Your Parachute? ($19.99) Editions!
Mission Transition: #9104 SOCIAL MEDIA AND YOUR (MILI-
Managing Your Career TARY) JOB SEARCH. Karin Lockhart-Durkee.
Shows how to build an online professional
and Your Retirement presence; grow and leverage a powerful net-
Janet I. Farley work of connections; increase visibility among
#9322 The first transition book to recruiters and hiring managers; and research
careers and job opportunities. Examines the
explain the military’s new Blend- most popular social media network for professionals – Linke-
ed Retirement System (BRS) – dIn – as well as covers Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, You-
begins January 1, 2018. The BRS Tube, QR codes, visual resumes, and other social media and
represents a big shift in how the online tools. 82 pages. 2014. $9.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies
Department of Defense manag- for $89.95; 100 copies for $795.95.
es military retirements. Service #4279 EXPERT RESUMES FOR MILITARY-TO-CI-
members will need to adopt the new retirement concept, VILIAN TRANSITIONS (2nd Edition). Wendy S.
improve their financial literacy, and assume respon- Enelow and Louise M. Kursmark. Two of America’s
sibility for retirement planning. The book also reveals leading professional resume writers offer 180 pages
new civilian job survival tips and strategies. 144 pages. of sample resumes for transitioning servicemem-
November 2017. $32.00. SPECIALS: 10 copies for bers. Includes seasoned advice and cutting-edge
$299.00; 100 copies for $2,795.00; 500 copies for job search strategies for transitioning military
$13,449.00; 1,000 copies for $27,499.00. personnel. 288 pages. 2010. $19.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for
$182.00; 100 copies for $1,655.00; 1,000 for $15,995.00.
ing the Opportunities and Obstacles to GUIDE: Seven Steps to Landing a Civilian
Your Post-Military Career. Matthew J. Louis. Job. Janet Farley. Provides essential job search
An essential career-change guide for any transi- information on writing resumes and cover let-
tioning veteran who wants to avoid false starts ters, finding jobs, and interviewing, while also
and make optimal career choices. Walks military focusing on issues specific to transitioning
personnel through the entire process of making a service members. Offers seasoned advice on
successful move into the civilian work world. Dis- how to address employers’ potential military stereotypes as
cusses ways to acclimate to a new organizational culture and pay it well as how to market military skills and accomplishments in
forward to other veterans. Each chapter includes advice from other civilian terms. Includes useful worksheets, checklists, motiva-
veterans, illustrations of key concepts, summaries, and suggested tional quotes, and an appendix. 64 pages. 2012. $7.95 per
resources. 304 pages. 2019. $27.99. SPECIALS: 10 copies for booklet. SPECIALS: Package of 10 booklets for $64.95;
$253.95; 100 copies for $2,259.00. 10 packages (100 booklets) for $629.50.
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