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Ex-Offender Re-Entry Success Guides

     #6847 Bestselling guides to the whole re-entry process. These five popular workbooks help ex-offenders effectively re-enter
     society and the workforce. Used by state correctional facilities as key re-entry training resources, each workbook emphasizes
     taking responsibility, changing attitudes, and making smart decisions. Jam-packed with revealing examples, interactive tests,
     and insightful exercises. Easy to read and incorporate into ongoing re-entry training programs. 128-144 pages per book.
     2016-2020. $11.95 to $13.95. SPECIALS: $63.95 for the set of five re-entry guides; 10 sets (50) for $589.95; 25 sets
     (125) for $1,289.00; 50 sets (250) for $2,329.00; 100 sets (500) for $4,199.00; 500 sets (2,500) for $18,999.00;
     1,000 sets (5,000) for $34,999.00.
     Details on individual titles found on page 4.
        y Best Jobs for Ex-Offenders ($11.95)
        y   The Ex-Offender’s 30/30 Job Solution ($11.95)
        y  The Ex-Offender’s Job Interview Guide ($13.95)
        y  The Ex-Offender’s Quick Job Hunting
       Guide ($13.95)
        y  The Ex-Offender’s Re-Entry Success Guide ($13.95)

                Best Resumes and Letters for Ex-Offenders              BESTSELLER!
                Wendy S. Enelow and Ronald L. Krannich, Ph.D.
                #4273 Shows ex-offenders how to craft outstanding resumes and letters despite red flags in their
                backgrounds. Includes more than 60 examples written by professional resume writers for ex-offend-
                ers. Addresses employment questions, disclosure, mistakes to avoid, employment gaps, prison work
                experience, resume formats, objectives, letter composition, distribution, follow up, evaluation, attitude,
                motivation, and much more. Includes rich appendices with worksheets, sample action verbs and per-
     sonality descriptors, and transition assistance for ex-offenders. 212 pages. 2005. ISBN 978-1-57023-251-0. $19.95. SPE-
     CIALS: 10 copies for $179.60; 100 copies for $1,397.00; 1,000 copies for $9,980.00.

                                                        #4283  CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE PRISON-
      99 Days and a Get Up                              ER’S SOUL. Jack L. Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen,
      (3rd Edition)           BESTSELLER!               and Tom Lagana. This inspirational collection of
                                                        stories has touched the hearts of thousands of
      Ned Rollo                                         prisoners. The book offers them hope and en-
                   #1701 Takes offenders and their      couragement, as well as inspires them to tran-
                                                        scend the limiting thinking and behaviors of their
                   loved ones through the turbulent   past. Essential reading for family members, correctional officers,
                   six-month period before and after   prison volunteers, or anyone who wishes to better understand
                   release. Addresses preparation for   the lives and challenges of ex-offenders. 348 pages. 2002. $16.95.
                   release, handling critical issues   SPECIALS: 10 copies for $159.00; 100 copies for $1,495.00.
                   in the first few months – includ-
                   ing finances, employment, and       #8235 JAIL TO JOBS: Seven Steps to Becom-
                                                       ing Employed. Mark Drevno. Takes ex-offenders
                    rejection – and re-building rela-  step-by-step  through the  job  finding  process.
                    tionships with family and friends.   Offers  time-tested  tips  and  techniques  as  well
                    Key book for training programs     as encouragement and hope so that readers can
      on pages 9-10. 2005. $9.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies   become more effective in finding a job. 178 pages.
      for $89.95; 100 copies for $896.00; 1,000 copies   2014. $21.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $197.95;
      for $6,970.00.                                   100 copies for $1,759.95.
                                                       #8537 SERVING PRODUCTIVE TIME: Stories,
                                                       Poems, and Tips to Inspire Positive Change
      Man, I Need a Job!      BESTSELLER!              from Inmates, Prison Staff, and Volunteers.
      Finding Employment With a                        Tom and Laura Lagana.  Profiles extraordinary
                                                       people  who  are  taking  tangible  steps  to  make
      Criminal History (3rd Edition)                   positive changes in their own lives and who are
      Ned Rollo                                        reaching out to help others  do the same. This
                                                       book will leave you with a renewed appreciation
                  #1483  This bestselling guide fo-  of the need for all of us to use our time wisely to make ongoing,
                  cuses on the special employment   positive changes in our lives and to bring others along with us
                   needs of ex-offenders.  Written by   in the process – whether we live or work inside or outside the
                   an ex-offender for fellow ex-of-  razor wire. 244 pages. 2009. $14.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for
                   fenders. Addresses when and how   $139.00; 100 copies for $1,295.00.
                   to disclose your record; plan a job   #5892  HOW TO DO GOOD AFTER PRIS-
                   search; write resumes; find open-   ON:  A  Handbook  for  Successful  Reentry
                   ings; contact employers; complete   (4th Edition). Michael B. Jackson. Addresses
                   applications; how to use the Inter-  the many issues facing parolees, with special
                   net; interview; find supports; over-  emphasis on how to stay out of trouble and
      come rejections; and accept and keep a job. Widely   become an exemplary citizen in the free world.
      used as a training guide for pre- and post-release pro-  Discusses such issues as parolee rights, good pa-
                                                       rolee habits, breaking bad habits, conditions of
      grams. 82 pages. 2004. $7.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies   parole, and more. Offers practical advice, insight, and motivation
      for $74.50; 100 copies for $716.00; 500 copies for   to help ex-prisoners overcome barriers and succeed after prison.
      $2,785.00; 1,000 copies for $4,770.00; 5,000 cop-  Includes a special question-and-answer section along with a di-
      ies for $15,900.00.                    rectory of parole offices. 164 pages. 2008. $19.95. SPECIALS:
                                             10 copies for $179.95, 100 copies for $1,695.00.
                                orders   800.361.1055    |    online ordering  17
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