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#8697 ANGER MANAGEMENT FOR DUM- #8906 ANGER WORKBOOK. Les Carter, Ph.D., and
MIES (2nd Edition). W. Doyle Gentry, Ph.D. Frank Minirth, M.D. Offers a unique 13-step interactive
Outlines specific anger management meth- program that will: (1) help you identify the best ways
ods, skills, and exercises that help identify to handle anger; (2) understand how pride, fear, lone-
the sources of anger. Includes how to de- liness, and inferiority feed your anger; (3) uncover and
fuse your anger before it strikes; express eliminate the myths that perpetuate anger; (4) identify
feelings calmly; respond rather than react; learned patterns of relating, thinking, and behaving in your life that
prevent anger incidents in the future; re- influence your anger. 256 pages. 2012. $16.99. SPECIALS: 10 cop-
lease healthy anger in a healthy way; use anger construc- ies for $153.95; 100 copies for $1,359.95.
tively; and get beyond old anger through forgiveness. Cov- Managing Your Angry Self Kit
ers road rage, air rage, office rage, and dealing with angry
children. 384 pages. 2015. $22.99. SPECIALS: 10 copies for #6348 Many angry people often sabotage
$209.00; 100 copies for $1,899.00. themselves by letting their anger control
#2998 BEYOND ANGER: A Guide for Men (2nd their lives. This special kit includes some of
Edition). Thomas J. Harbin. Men are more violent and the best resources for managing anger in
less willing to deal with emotions than women. Using both men and women. Can purchase sep-
simple exercises, this book shows angry men how to arately. SPECIAL: $99.95 for all 7 books.
control violent feelings as well as develop new hab- y Anger and Conflict in the Workplace ($15.95)
its to prevent anger. 240 pages. 2018. $16.99. SPE-
CIALS: 10 copies for $159.00; 100 copies for $1,495.00. y Anger Management for Everyone ($17.95)
y Anger Management
#5985 ANGER CONTROL WORKBOOK. Matthew Pocket Guide ($2.95)
McKay and Peter D. Rogers. Offers a new and radically y Angry Men ($17.95)
simplified approach to anger control. Step-by-step y Angry Women ($14.95)
exercises help readers identify, understand, respond y Beyond Anger: A Guide
to, and ultimately cope with their hostile feelings.
Reveals important relaxation techniques. 50 worksheets. 208 for Men ($16.99)
pages. 2000. $22.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $207.50; 100 y Transforming Anger ($16.95)
copies for $1,856.00.
Managing Teen Anger and Violence: A Pathway to Peace Program
William Fleeman
#6271 Filled with personal stories and vignettes, the book helps teens identify anger as a
problem, recognize how they use anger like a drug, find non-violent ways to experience
personal power, learn to change abusive and violent behavior, focus on values and goals
that support a non-violent lifestyle, identify and change attitudes and beliefs that keep
them stuck, avoid relapse into violent behavior, and develop a a mission statement for a
non-violent lifestyle. 230 pages. 2008. ISBN: 978-1-57023-276-3. $19.95. SPECIALS: 10
copies for $159.95; 100 copies for $997.50; 1,000 copies for $7,980.00.
Anger Management for Everyone: Ten Proven Strategies
to Help You Control Anger and Live a Happier Life (2nd Edition) NEW!
Raymond Chip Tafrate, Ph.D, and Howard Kassinove, PhD, ABPP
#9257 Presents a comprehensive anger management program for anyone interested in con-
trolling their anger. Is your anger making others uncomfortable and creating distance in your
relationships? Is it disrupting your ability to think clearly and make good decisions? Is it resulting in
behaviors that you later regret or recall with embarrassment? Shows how to cope with life’s adver-
sity, unfairness, and disappointment, so you can successfully put anger in its proper place and live a vital, happy,
and upbeat life. 272 pages. 2019. $17.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $163.95; 100 copies for $1,439.95.
C.A.G.E. the Rage DVD
#383 Calm down, Assess the situation, Gauge alternatives, and Empower yourself – that’s
the way to safely C.A.G.E. the rage! Viewers see how to identify anger in themselves; under-
stand why mismanaged anger is so destructive; discover how anger gets repressed; and
release anger and express emotions in a positive way using the C.A.G.E. method. Includes scenarios of unhealthy
and healthy behaviors and candid interviews. 23 minutes. 2007. $99.95
Handling Anger and Frustration DVD
#8181 Examines extreme anger. Presents methods for loosening the grip that all-consum-
ing rage can have on one’s mind and actions. Viewers learn basic psychological concepts to
confront and remove obstacles, a primal instinct that all too easily translates into “lashing
out.” Highlights steps for dealing rationally with anger sources, focusing on staying “centered”
rather than “getting even.” 30 minutes. 2011. $99.95
Hands Down: A Domestic Violence Treatment Program
#5682 Focuses on victim safety and offender accountability. Helps men understand why they
act violently. Eliminates violence from their lives by focusing on Definitions of Domestic Violence,
Domestic Violence Issues, Thinking Skills, Communication, Relationship Skills, and Managing Anger
and Stress. Program includes a 198-page workbook (Hands Down: A Domestic Violence Treat-
ment Workbook – $20.00) and a 114-page instructor’s guide (Hands Down: An Instructor’s
Manual for Domestic Violence Treatment – $50.00). 2006. $68.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies of
the workbook for $180.00; 100 copies of the workbook for $1,600.00.
20 orders 800.361.1055 | online ordering