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Addiction, Recovery & Mental Health


      Addiction, Relapse, and Recovery Kit
      #9553 Addictions – whether drugs, alcohol, gambling, choc-
      olate, sex, internet, or work – can kill your chances of getting
      ahead in your personal and professional lives. This kit pulls to-
      gether some of the best resources for dealing with addiction,
      relapse, and recovery. Make sure your library is well stocked with
      these “must read and relate to” books that can change broken
      lives for good! Can purchase separately. SPECIAL: $414.95 for
      all 24 books.
          y 12 Hidden Rewards of Making Amends ($14.95)    y  Clean: Overcoming Addiction and Ending
          y 12 More Stupid Things That Mess Up Recovery ($15.95)  America’s Greatest Tragedy ($16.99)
          y  12 Smart Things to Do When the Booze and      y Ending Addiction for Good ($14.95)
        Drugs Are Gone ($15.99)                y Get Out of Your Own Way ($16.00)
          y 12 Stupid Things That Mess Up Recovery ($15.95)    y Get Your Loved One Sober ($15.95)
          y  Addict in the House ($16.95)      y Mindful Recovery ($15.95)
          y  Addiction and Grace: Love and Spirituality in      y  Painkillers, Heroin, and The Road to
        the Healing of Addictions ($15.99)    Sanity ($15.95)
          y The Addiction Workbook ($23.95)    y Pathways to Sobriety Workbook ($29.95)
          y Addictive Thinking ($15.95)        y Sex, Drugs, Gambling, and Chocolate ($25.95)
          y The Alcoholism & Addiction Cure ($15.95)    y Stop the Chaos ($15.95)
          y Arresting Addiction ($35.00)       y The Truth About Addiction and Recovery ($24.95)
          y Breaking Addiction ($15.99)        y Understanding the Twelve Steps ($16.00)
          y  Broken: My Story of Addiction and Redemption ($18.00)

     Living in Balance: Moving From a Life of Addiction to a Life of Recovery (Revised Edition)
     #4358  This evidence-based, substance abuse treatment curriculum helps clients address key lifestyle, relationship,
     and emotional issues. 90 minutes to 2 hours, each. Twelve core sessions include:
        y Definitions, Terms, and Self-Diagnosis    y Alcohol and Tobacco    y Skills for Reducing Stress
        y Alcohol and Other Drug Education    y Spirituality    y Negative Emotions
        y  Triggers, Cravings, and Avoiding Relapse  Sex, Drugs, and Alcohol    y Anger and Communication
        y Planning for Sobriety    y Stress and Emotional Well-Being y  Relapse Prevention
     Includes a facilitator guide and audiotape. Sessions packaged in a three-ring binder. Core cur-
     riculum of 12 sessions (#1-12) for $645.00. The Spanish translation of reproducible handouts
     for the 12 core sessions (on CD-ROM) for $125.00. An additional 24 sessions (#13-37) are
     available for $745.00. An additional 9 sessions (#38-47) are available for $425.00. SPECIAL:
     Complete program of 47 sessions for $1,395.00.

     Life Without a Crutch:    BESTSELLER!   Recovery Life Skills Program
     An Introduction to Recovery             Lindy Fox, MA, LADC
     From Addiction                          #8131 Many people who use mental
     #514 Widely used as a text book/        health facilities have co-occurring dis-
     workbook for addiction recovery         orders. This 18-module curriculum uses
     training in correctional facilities, this   evidence-based protocols to help men-
     powerful little guide is designed       tally ill clients improve their quality of
     specifically for addicts in the crim-   life. Sessions start with such relapse-pre-
     inal justice system and their loved     vention topics as recognizing triggers
     ones. Describes what addiction is,      and  building  drug  and  alcohol  refusal
     its causes and effects, how addic-      skills, then move to developing the life
     tion works, rewards of overcoming       skills necessary to build and maintain a
     addiction, how addicts think, effects on the family, barri-  healthy recovery life plan. Covers coping with negative feel-
     ers to change, stages of treatment, ideas on how to begin   ings; recognizing triggers for substance use; dealing with
     recovery, getting started, where to find help, and more.   social situations involving alcohol or other drugs; developing
     69 pages. $7.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $74.50; 100   communication skills; participating in peer support groups;
     copies for $695.00; 500 copies for $2,785.00; 1,000   practicing spirituality and inner peace; developing a positive
     copies for $5,950.00.  Life Without a Crutch Train-  self-image; and adopting healthy eating and exercise habits.
     ing Program (#1353) also available for $995.00. See   Includes a facilitator’s guide and reproducible client handouts. for details.  2015. $195.00

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