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     How NOT to Screw Up Recovery!           Addiction and Grace: Love and Spirituality
     The Ultimate Stay-On-Track Guides       in the Healing of Addictions
     #9554 Four popular addiction, relapse, and   Gerald G. May, MD
     recovery books by Dr. Allen Berger outline a   #7163 This popular book offers an inspir-
     wealth of evidence-based insights for overcom-  ing and hope-filled vision for those who
     ing addictions and staying on the road to recovery   want to explore the mystery of who and
     from one of life’s darkest sides. Can purchase separately. SPE-  what they really are. Examines the “pro-
     CIALS: $60.95 for all 4 books; 10 sets of 4 books (40) for   cesses of attachment” that lead to addic-
     $565.95; 100 sets of 4 books (400) for $5,199.00.     tion. Details various addictions, including alcohol, drugs,
        y  12 Hidden Rewards of Making Amends ($14.95)  work, sex, performance, responsibility, and intimacy.
        y  12 Stupid Things That Mess Up Recovery ($15.95)  Emphasizes the role “control” plays in the addiction pro-
        y  12 More Stupid Things That Mess Up Recovery ($15.95)  cess. A hopeful guide to freedom based on contempla-
        y  12 Smart Things to Do When the Booze and    tive spirituality. 240 pages. 2007. $15.99. SPECIALS: 10
       Drugs Are Gone ($15.95)               copies for $149.00; 100 copies for $1,329.00.
     I Hate You – Don’t Leave Me: Inside the Mind of a Borderline Personality
     Jerold J. Kreisman and Hal Straus
     #4109  Reflects the most up-to-date research on Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) that has opened doors
     to the neurobiological, genetic, and developmental roots of the disorder as well as connections between BPD
     and substance abuse, sexual abuse, Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome, ADHD, and eating disorders. Both pharmacological
     and psychotherapeutic advancements point to real hope for success in the treatment and understanding of BPD. An es-
     sential resource for those diagnosed with BPD, their family, friends, and colleagues, as well as professionals and students in
     the field. 288 pages. 2011. $16.00. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $149.95; 100 copies for $1,299.00.

             Chicken Soup for the Recovering Soul                        BESTSELLER!
             Robert Ackerman
              #5921 You’re not alone. This unique source of inspiration and renewal is designed as a personal, portable sup-
              port group. It includes a wonderful collection of stories about healing, hope, love, and resilience for those facing
              recovery from addictions, depression, behavioral disorders, or other personal demons and dysfunctional lives. 384
              pages. 2012. $14.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $139.95; 100 copies for $1,196.00.

            #2912 UNDERSTANDING THE TWELVE STEPS.    #8831 BREAKING ADDICTION.  Lance M. Dodes.
            Terence T. Gorski. Millions of people have transformed   Outlines 7 critical steps for  overcoming addiction
            their lives by working the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics   based on the author’s key finding: virtually every ad-
            Anonymous. This practical, no-nonsense guide takes   dictive act is preceded by feelings of helplessness, the
            the  mystery  out  of  the  Twelve  Steps,  presenting  a   trigger for setting addiction in motion. Dodes’s ideas
     straightforward explanation of what each step means, as well as   have been adopted by therapists and treatment cen-
     examples of how it translates to real life. 208 pages. 1991. $16.00.   ters around the world and are taught by universities and training
     SPECIALS: 10 copies for $149.95; 100 copies for $1,345.00.  centers for clinicians. 240 pages. 2011. $15.99. SPECIALS: 10 cop-
                                             ies for $149.95; 100 copies for $1,345.00.
            #3055 THE  ADDICTION  WORKBOOK:  A Step-
            By-Step Guide to Quitting Alcohol and Drugs.   #4406 ARRESTING ADDICTIONS: Drug Education and Re-
            Patrick Fanning and John O’Neill.  At any given time   lapse Prevention in Corrections. Robert B. Alexander, Ph.D, and
            there are 18 million adult alcoholics and drug addicts   George J. Pratsinak, Ph.D. This program helps counselors introduce
            in America. Of the 17 percent who quit each year, most   inmates to treatment, motivate them, and help them avoid relapse.
            do so on their own. However, this life-changing hand-  Includes handouts and other resources for drug abuse education
     book helps addicts understand their addiction and the negative   and relapse prevention treatment. 234 pages. 2002. $35.00. SPE-
     effect it has on their lives. Using questionnaires and other tools to   CIALS: 10 copies for $299.00; 100 copies for $2,899.00.
     guide readers toward self-discovery, it provides the steps addicts   #3836 GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY: Overcom-
     must take to become clean and sober. 152 pages. 1996. $23.95.
     SPECIALS: 10 copies for $219.95; 100 copies for $1,956.00.  ing Self-Defeating Behavior  Dr.  Mark  Goulston
                                                     and Philip Goldberg. Self-sabotage is a toxic behav-
            #7000 THE ALCOHOLISM & ADDICTION CURE.   ior that prevents us from achieving love, success,
            Chris Prentiss.  Shows how to heal the underlying   and happiness. Shows how to transform behavior
            causes of addiction, prevent relapse, and end suf-  from self-defeating to life-enhancing. 208 pages.
            fering through a three-step holistic program to total   1996. $16.00. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $149.95; 100 cop-
            recovery. 234 pages. 2005. $15.95. SPECIALS: 10   ies for $1,299.95.
     copies for $144.95; 100 copies for $1,349.00.
     Coloring Books That Free Anxious Minds (Adult)
     #9315 Better than therapy, this terrific collection of bestselling adult coloring books is one of the best
     book ideas ever! Each book contains stunning images that help users de-stress, relax, and free their anxious
     minds. Engaging, fun, and wonderful tests of hidden artistic talents, these books truly enrich lives. Ideal for
     individuals as well as groups. Can purchase separately. $91.95 for all 7 color books. SPECIALS: 10 sets
     of 7 color books for $879.95; 100 sets of 7 color books for $7,895.00.
        y The 5 Love Languages Adult Coloring Book ($14.99)    y  Posh Adult Coloring Book: Soothing Designs
        y Art Therapy: An Inspirational Coloring Kit ($14.95)  for Fun and Relaxation ($12.99)
        y Color Me Stress-Free ($16.99)        y  The Mindfulness Coloring Book: Anti-Stress
        y Creative Therapy: An Anti-Stress Coloring Book ($15.00)  Art Therapy ($9.95)
        y Tattoos: A Gorgeous Coloring Book ($8.99)

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