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Mindfulness for People With Difficult But Promising Backgrounds Kit
      #9510 Mindfulness practices promise to reduce stress, control pain, develop greater focus and purpose, increase
      productively, promote better physical and mental health, uncover inner peace, unlock the secrets to happiness,
      and achieve greater self-understanding. These revolutionary books have literally changed the lives of millions of
      people in search of self-healing. For ex-offenders, these are «must read» and «must apply» resources.  SPECIALS:
      $99.95 for all 7 books; $469.95 for 5 sets (35 books).
          y Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience ($16.99)
          y Full Catastrophe Living ($22.00)
          y The Gifts of Imperfection ($14.95)
          y  How to Train a Wild Elephant and Other
        Adventures in Mindfulness ($14.95)
          y Mindfulness for Beginners ($14.95)
          y The Power of Now ($16.00)
          y Super Brain ($15.99)
     Identify and Overcome Killer Red Flags Kit
     #9534  Is your success limited by your red flags as well as the red flags of others? Do you know how to both identify and over-
     come red flags? This unique kit shows how to do both. Can purchase separately. SPECIALS: $113.95 for complete kit of 7
     books; 5 sets (35 books) for $529.00; 10 sets (70 books) for $969.00.    
        y How to Save Your Own Life ($14.00)
        y How to Spot a Liar ($15.99)
        y  Job Interview Tips for Overcoming Red Flags ($19.95)
        y  Mindset: The New Psychology of Success ($17.00)
        y  Red Flags: Frenemies, Underminers, and Ruthless People ($17.99)
        y Reinventing Yourself ($17.00)
        y This Is Not the Life I Ordered ($16.95)

                                  KITS – UNDER $200

     Change Bad Habits Into Good Habits Kit
     #6607 This personal growth kit pulls together some of the finest resources for
     developing new and productive habits. SPECIAL: $199.95 for all 13 books.
        y  The 8th Habit ($18.00)          y  Making Good Habits, Break-
        y Better Than Before ($17.00)    ing Bad Habits ($15.00)
        y  Breaking the Habit of Being      y  Mindset: The New Psychology
       Yourself ($16.99)                 of Success ($17.00)
        y Eat That Frog! ($15.95)          y The Power of Habit ($18.00)
        y Emotional Intelligence ($18.00)    y Rewired ($17.00)
        y Habits of a Happy Brain ($15.99)    y Thinking Fast and Slow ($17.00)
        y  Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up ($16.99)    y Willpower ($18.00)

                                   KITS – OVER $200

      Entrepreneurial Ex-Offenders: Starting a Successful Business After Prison
      #6759 Many ex-offenders have the necessary interests, skills, motivation, and drive to successfully start and run
      a business. Best of all, owning a business eliminates many traditional job finding hassles ex-offenders face, and it
      can result in achieving great wealth, respect, and meaning. It’s the ultimate freedom experience! This set of books
      is packed with ideas and practical advice to assist ex-offenders in starting and running a successful business. Can
      purchase separately. SPECIAL: $405.95 for all 18 books.
          y 101 Small Business Ideas for Under $5,000 ($32.00)    y Six-Week Startup ($29.99)
          y  The $100,000 Entrepreneur: How to Build a Successful     y Small Business Bible ($22.95)
        New Business in 90 Days ($19.95)        y Small Business for Dummies ($24.99)
          y The Accidental Entrepreneur ($17.95)     y Small Business Owner’s Manual ($19.99)
          y  Business Plans Kit for Dummies      y Small Business Start-Up Kit ($29.99)
        (with CD-ROM) ($34.99)                  y Start Your Own Business ($24.95)
          y Company of One ($26.00)             y  Start Your Own Lawn Care or Landscaping
          y Home-Based Business for Dummies ($19.99)  Business ($19.95)
          y How to Buy, Sell, and Profit one Bay ($14.99)    y Start Your Own Restaurant and More ($19.95)
          y The Magic of Tiny Business ($16.95)    y Starting a Business All-in-One for Dummies ($34.99)
          y No Cash, No Fear ($29.95)

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