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Overcoming Self-Defeating Behaviors and Bouncing Back Kit
#8981 Many people are their own worst enemy – they engage in self-defeating behaviors that
ensure unhappiness and depression. But many people are very resilient; they treat failures as op-
portunities to transform themselves. Indeed, resilient people bounce back with new attitudes and
behaviors. What is it these people know and do that others don’t? The following books examine
self-defeating behaviors and the importance of resilience in bouncing back. They offer a fascinating
look at self-transformation. Can purchase separately. SPECIAL: $254.95 for all 15 books.
y Bouncing Back: Rewiring Your Brain for Maximum y The Resiliency Advantage: Master Change,
Resilience and Well-Being ($18.95) Thrive Under Pressure, and Bounce
y The Bounce Back Book ($12.95) Back From Setbacks ($20.95)
y Break Out! 5 Keys to Go Beyond Your Barriers and y The Resilience Factor: 7 Keys to Finding Your
Live an Extraordinary Life ($16.00) Inner Strength and Overcoming
y The Feelings Book: The Care and Keeping of Your Life’s Hurdles ($15.99)
Emotions ($9.99) y Self-Defeating Behaviors: Free Yourself from
y Get Out of Your Own Way: Overcoming the Habits, Compulsions, Feelings, and
Self-Defeating Behavior ($16.00) Attitudes That Hold You Back ($14.99)
y The Gifts of Imperfection ($14.95) y Strengths Finder 2.0 ($34.00)
y Healing Your Emotional Self ($17.95) y The Survivor Personality: Why Some People
y Just One Thing: Developing a Buddha Brain Are Stronger, Smarter, and More
One Simple Practice at a Time ($16.95) Skillful at Handling Life’s Difficul-
y Making Good Habits, Breaking Bad Habits: 14 New ties...and How You Can Be, Too
Behaviors That Will Energize Your Life ($15.00) ($16.00) BESTSELLER!
y The Power of Habit: What We Do What We
Do in Life and Business ($18.00)
Assisting Ex-Offenders in Re-Entry Kit
#4108 If you work with ex-offenders, you know the difficulties they face in successfully transitioning to the free world.
This kit pulls together the best resources for assisting ex-offenders in making it on the outside and thus reducing their
chances of recidivism. Widely used in correctional institutions and educational programs across the country. Can pur-
chase separately. SPECIAL: $359.95 for all 27 books.
y 7 Habits of Highly Effective People ($18.99) y I Don’t Know What I Want, But I Know It’s
y 9 to 5 Beats Ten to Life ($20.00) Not This ($16.00)
y 99 Days and a Get Up ($9.95) y Job Interview Tips for Overcoming Red Flags ($19.95)
y 300 Best Jobs Without a Four-Year Degree ($20.95) y Job Smarts: 13 Steps to Job Success ($25.95)
y Angry Men ($17.95) y Life Without a Crutch ($7.95)
y Angry Women ($14.95) y Man, I Need a Job ($7.95)
y Best Resumes and Letters for Ex-Offenders ($19.95) y No One is Unemployable ($29.95)
y Denial Is Not a River in Egypt ($13.95) y No One Will Hire Me! ($15.95)
y Discover What You’re Best At ($16.99) y Putting the Bars Behind You Survival Guides
y The Ex-Offender’s New Job Finding and (9 books, $79.95)
Survival Guide ($19.95) y Savvy Interviewing ($10.95)
Job Finding With Social Media and Technology Kit
#8471 Update your career library by getting the latest inside scoop on how to
conduct a powerful job search using social media and technology. Each book is
filled with useful strategies and examples. Can purchase each separately. SPECIAL:
$209.95 for all 11 books.
y The 2-Hour Job Search ($14.99) y Knock ‘Em Dead ($17.99)
y Branding Yourself ($24.99) y Knock ‘Em Dead Social Networking ($15.99)
y Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters 3.0 y LinkedIn for Dummies ($24.99)
($21.95) y The Power Formula for LinkedIn
y How to Find a Job on LinkedIn, Facebook, Success ($21.95)
Twitter, and Google + ($20.00) y Resumes for Dummies ($19.99)
y Job Searching With Social Media for y What Color Is Your Parachute? ($19.99)
Dummies ($19.99)
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