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Workbooks & Handbooks
Job Smarts: 12 Steps to Job Success (Third Edition)
Dixie Lee Wright
#3583 Designed for students and adults with low reading levels and other special needs, this
highly simplified and visual book outlines how to find, get, and keep a job. Covers identifying skills,
setting goals, communicating attitudes, completing applications, interviewing for the job, settling
into a job, and much more. Includes free downloadable online instructor’s guide. 96 pages. 2010.
$25.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $234.95; 100 copies for $2,199.00; 1,000 copies for $20,999.00. Companion
Job Survival Workbook also available (see #4013 at
Quick Resume Guide: Six Steps to Building an Effective Resume
#7786 The six resume-building steps outlined in this little book help job seekers quickly master
resume writing basics, including editing, rewriting, and targeting the resume on potential em-
ployers. Users also learn how to write effective, personalized cover letters to accompany their
resume. Includes clear sample resumes, helpful worksheets, and practical advice. 64 pages. 2010.
$7.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $64.95; 100 copies for $629.95; 500 copies for $3,247.00;
1,000 copies for $6,149.00.
Job Interview Success Workbook
#6351 Helps job seekers understand and prepare for the job interview. Walks them through
dozens of exercises designed to get them ready for their next job interview. Users learn about
everything from researching a company’s mission statement to negotiating their salary or
wage. Jam-packed with tips and self-evaluation exercises. Designed to be used as a stand-
alone resource or in conjunction with the two new interview DVDs: Step-by-Step Interview Suc-
cess and Winning Answers to Common Interview Questions (see page 4). 44 pages. 2018. $7.95.
SPECIALS: 10 copies for $62.95; 100 copies for $608.50; 500 copies for $3,147.00;
1,000 copies for $5,349.00.
Passport to Career Success
Ann Cross and Martha Lanaghen
#8927 This 8-part workshop program prepares individuals for the real world. It includes a Partici-
pant Workbook and Facilitator’s Guide complete with PowerPoint presentations and evaluations.
Workshops include Social Media, Time Management, Professionalism, Teamwork, Resume, Job
Search, Interviews, and Internships. 2014. $21.95 for Participant’s Workbook; $94.95 for Fa-
cilitator’s Guide. SPECIALS: Both for $111.95; one guide and 10 workbooks, $292.95; one
guide and 25 workbooks, $597.95.
Job Savvy: Quick Job Search Guide:
How to Be a Success at Work Seven Steps to Getting a Good
(6th Edition) Job in Less Time (6th Edition)
LeVerne L. Ludden, Ed.D. #4881 Covers career exploration and
#5089 Helps individuals develop job job search basics. Seven steps include:
survival skills, increase productivity, identifying key skills, defining ide-
and improve job satisfaction and suc- al job, using two most effective job
cess. Covers punctuality, dress, problem solving, ethics, search methods, wiring a resume and
communication, technology, performance reviews, portfolio, getting two interviews a day, improving inter-
promotions, and much more. 256 pages. 2019. $30.95. view skills, following up on all leads. Includes checklists,
SPECIALS: 10 copies for $289.95; 100 copies for worksheets, and sample resumes. $7.95. SPECIALS: 10
$2,639.00. Online Instructor Resource Guide (de- copies for $64.95; 100 copies for $629.95; 500 cop-
livered via access code) for $49.95. ies for $3,247.00; 1,000 copies for $6,149.00.
Military Family
Pocket Guides
#9501 Ten military-friendly pocket guides address transition, finance, employment, education, benefits, retirement,
legal, and anger issues affecting the military. 3 / 8” x 4 / 8”. Can purchase separately for $2.95 each (two are $3.95, one
is $4.95). $31.95 for all 10 guides. SPECIALS: 10 sets (100 guides) for $290.00; 100 sets (1,000 guides) for
$2,319.00; 500 sets (5,000 guides) for $9,999.00. Additional pocket guides featured on page 3.
y The Military Family Benefits Pocket Guide y The Military Spouse’s Employment Pocket Guide ($3.95)
y The Military Family Legal Pocket Guide y The Military Spouse’s Map Through the Maze
y The Military Family Education Pocket Guide y The Military-to-Civilian Transition Pocket Guide
y The Military Financial Independence and Retirement y The Anger Management Pocket Guide
y The Military Personal Finance Pocket Guide y The Quick Job Finding Pocket Guide ($4.95)
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