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Ethics at Work: Doing the Parenting Principles DVD
Right Thing on the Job DVD #9168 Positive parenting begins by
#4926 Is it okay to give your friends creating an emotionally healthy envi-
free food at the restaurant where you ronment for children to grow, filled with
work? Or bring home supplies from love, guidance, and respect. Leading
the office? Are these practices just as adolescence and parenting expert Lau-
wrong as stealing from the proverbial rence Steinberg, Ph.D. (author of The Ten
cash drawer? That’s what this DVD ex- Basic Principles of Good Parenting), exam-
plores, by looking at the ins and outs of ethical behavior ines the ten basic principles of good parenting. Parents
in today’s work environment. From extended lunches to share their personal experiences of raising their children.
computer hacking to sexual harassment, the program Examines the important role parents play in shaping emo-
discusses the fine lines of business ethics with employ- tionally healthy children throughout their childhood. 38
ers, employees, and workplace professionals. 20 minutes. minutes. 2014. $79.95. SPECIALS: 5 copies for $372.95;
2004. $108.00 10 copies for $719.95.
Non-Traditional Careers for the 21st Century Series DVD
#6433 Four DVD programs feature leading experts in the fields of workforce re-entry, family issues, career guid-
ance, special needs, and human resource management who share their insights into exciting and challenging jobs
of the future. Each program examines hidden opportunities as well as issues
and skills associated with various cultural shifts, numerous industries, and the
many educational options. Titles include:
y Genders, Jobs, and Non-Traditional Work Arrangements
y Hot Jobs of the Future That Don’t Require a College Degree
y Non-Traditional Job Search Basics for Re-Entry Success
y Work Ethics in the New Economy
10 minutes each. $69.00 each. SPECIAL: $252.00 for complete set of
four programs. Related kit also available: Non-Traditional Careers Curriculum Kit (#7775)
Digital Communications Skills: Dress and Groom for Career Success
Do’s and Don’ts DVD (2nd Edition)
#9208 From texting to email to vid- #6514 Presents a wealth of examples
eo calls, digital technology has trans- demonstrating practical do’s and don’ts
formed how we communicate with for dressing and grooming. Viewers
each other. But in formal situations learn how to dress appropriately jobs;
like at work or in school, which forms identify the most effective ways to make
of communications are appropriate, a great first impression; understand ex-
and when? Stresses what you should pectations for grooming and behavior
do – and what you don’t want to do – when it comes during interviews and on the job; ac-
to email, texting, video-conferencing, and using the quire budget-friendly tips for finding the right clothes
phone for business calls or voice mail. 29 minutes. 2015. on a tight budget; and much more. 27 minutes. 2016.
$129.95 for DVD or 3-year Streaming subscrip- $160.95. SPECIAL: 5 copies for $725.00.
tions. SPECIAL: DVD plus 3-year Streaming sub-
scriptions for $234.95. You’re Fired! Ten Ways to Lose Your Job and
How to Avoid Them (2nd Edition)
Workplace Communication Skills #5865 Each day in the U.S. 50,000 peo-
#8203 Communication skills top the ple are fired! Reveals the 10 most com-
list of qualities employers seek from job mon reasons people are fired and out-
candidates. Stresses the importance of lines attitudes and behaviors that lead
good communication in the workplace to trouble in the workplace. Viewers
and how to improve such skills. Offers also learn strategies for making positive
tips on developing verbal, listening, changes to improve their performance
nonverbal, and written skills. Presents at work. The program also features breakpoints for ad-
scenarios of good and poor commu- dressing poor job performance, dishonesty, unreliability,
nication skills in action and includes expert interviews inability to work with others, disrespecting others, misus-
on workplace communication. Also addresses commu- ing company resources, poor customer service, abusing
nication through e-mail, voicemail, cell phones, video drugs or alcohol, and inappropriate appearance. Shows
conferencing, and online sites such as Facebook and how to transform oneself into a desirable commodity
Twitter. 25 minutes. 2012. $151.00. SPECIAL: 5 copies and lay the foundation for a successful career. 30 minutes.
for $689.00. 2015. $160.95. SPECIAL: 5 copies for $725.00.
Dealing With Difficult People DVD
#1162 Have you ever worked with these people? Amy Attitude, Blameless Bob, Clock-watcher
Carl, Helpless Harriet, Sandra the Stressed, Walter the Whiner. A veteran manager and train-
er, Don Crawley, offers memorable tools for handling difficult people. His easy-to-apply tips
and tactics help you learn to use the: ABCDEFs of communicating with difficult people; SAILS
approach for working with negative people; CPR steps on blamers; 3R approach to re-engage-
ment; STIR method for high self-esteem; and 8S’s to encourage independence. Includes a View-
er’s Guide. $99.95
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