Page 32 - Career Re-Entry CAT 2020 update_Neat
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Posters, Games & Flash Cards

                    FUN & GAMES – BINGO/FLASH CARDS
     Recharge: Beyond the Bars Re-Entry Game
     #3181 Here’s the game that can literally transform the thinking, lives, and relationships of ex-offenders.
     Addressing their emotional, social, and communication struggles, this cognitive-behavioral activity focuses
     on key re-entry issues. Widely used in pre- and post-release programs, this interactive card deck presents
     400 thoughtful questions. It creates a fun environment for building interaction, support, trust, reflection,
     motivation for change, empathy, compassion, reduced trauma and stress, and much more. Simple to implement. Played
     by 2-8 people. TIP: A group leader can work with 20+ players in a single room by dividing them into 2-8 people per game.
     Includes a free downloadable facilitator’s guide. $54.95. SPECIALS: 10 games for $499.95; 100 games for $4,595.00.
      The Ultimate Job and Career Board Game Collection
      #6360 Representing some of today’s most engaging and educational Monopoly-style board games, this collec-
      tion of bestselling products cover it all – anger management, career planning, interview skills, hiring, and more.
      Can purchase separately. SPECIAL: $294.95 for all 6 games.
          y Anger IQ ($41.95)
          y Career Odyssey ($56.95)
          y EQ for Success ($41.95)
          y Interview Challenge ($56.95)
          y Rage to Reason ($56.95)
          y   You’re Hired! ($56.95)

                               POSTERS & WALL CHARTS
     Motivational Images Posters Series      Job Search Pointers
     #3418 This set of beautifully photographed posters or   #3419  This colorful set of
     banners, with quotes from famous people (“If opportu-  6 posters or banners helps
     nity doesn’t knock, build a door,” Milton Berle), commu-  point one’s job search in
     nicates the major concepts that contribute to motivation   the right direction. Each in-
     and success. Also available in Spanish or French. Set of 10   cludes important bulleted
     laminated 18” x 24” posters for $143.95 or black met-  information for explaining
     al framed for $495.95.  ENLARGED VERSIONS:  Ex-  how to implement each
     tra-large (36” x 48”) laminated posters for $459.95;   concept. 18” x 24” laminated
     super-size vinyl banners (8” x          posters for  $80.95  or black
     64”) for $1,425.95.                     metal framed for $274.95. ENLARGED VERSIONS: Ex-
        y Confidence    y Luck               tra-large (36” x 48”) laminated posters for $249.95;
        y Diversity    y Opportunity         super-size vinyl banners (8” x 64”) for $779.95.
        y Imagination    y Optimism              y Attitude    y Focus     y Persistence
        y Initiative    y Originality            y Exploration    y Networking    y Preparation
        y Learning    y Success
     Career and Tech Education Poster Set    In-Demand & Trending
     #3988 Each poster (17” x 22”) in this set of 24 highlights  Career Attributes II
     a popular career area and covers the following: technical  #6377 Help your clients discover the most in-demand ca-
     skills and tools, people skills, career facts, safety issues,  reers today and in the decade ahead. Colorful attention-get-
     related jobs, education and training, and more. $366.95  ting posters or banners portray 12 high-demand careers and
     (set of 24 laminated posters). Samples:  corresponding career attributes. Set of laminated 18” x 24”
         z Animal Health Technician          posters for $175.95 or black metal framed for $604.95.
         z Auto Body Repair                  ENLARGED VERSIONS: Extra-large (36” x 48”) laminat-
         z Auto Mechanics                    ed posters for $549.95; su-
         z Banking                           per-size vinyl banners (48” x
         z CAD/CAM                           64”) for $1,714.95.
         z Computer Service Technician           y Auto Mechanic
         z Construction Technician               y Barber
         z Cosmetology                           y Carpenter
         z Culinary Arts                         y Cosmetologist
         z Dental Assisting                      y Crime Scene Investigator
         z Desktop Publishing/Web Design         y Electrician
         z Early Childhood Education             y Financial Advisor
         z Electrical Trades                     y Graphic Designer
         z Heavy Equipment/Diesel Technician     y Nurse
         z HVAC                                  y Physical Therapist
         z Medical Lab Technician                y Web Developer
         z Nursing Assistant                     y Welder
         z Welding
    32                               orders   800.361.1055    |    online ordering
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