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Independent Living & Managing Money

                        21st Century Money Management DVD Series      DVD
                        #5869 This popular DVD series is packed with information about todaty’s banking. Cov-
                        ers everything from opening accounts to managing money successfully. Covers online
                        banking functions and resources. 2005. Can purchase separately at $89.00 each. SPE-
                        CIAL: Complete series of five DVDs for $349.00.
                             y Checking Accounts   • Savings   • Credit Cards
                             y Loans          • Financial Planning

    Buying the Basics     DVD
    #5868 This DVD series prepares individuals for getting started on their own in the real world,
    from buying, leasing, insuring, and maintaining a car, shopping for food and clothes to rent-
    ing and furnishing an apartment. The series includes:
         y Buying the Basic: Cars                             •   Buying the Basic: Apartments  BESTSELLER!
         y Buying the Basic: Food and Clothing
    Each DVD comes with over 30 pages of reproducible classroom activities, which are included in PDF format on
    a separate CD. 2006. Can purchase each separately for $89.00. SPECIAL: $199.00 for the complete series.
                 Living in the Real World Activity Units                NEW!
                 #7947 These financial literacy activity units are all presented on one CD.
                 Each unit is packed with activities that teach your students to live in the real world as they use the
                 following skills: math, reading, writing, reasoning, creative, and cooperative learning. The CD contains
                 downloadable, reproducible PDF files. 2018. Each unit can be purchased separately (on one CD) for
                 $35.00. SPECIAL: $275.00 for one CD containing all 11 units. The 11 activity units include:
         y  Bills, Budgets, and    • My Money    • Buying the Basics  • My Insurance
        Bank Accounts     • My Credit       • My Paycheck     • Shopping Smart
         y My Budget      • My Wheels       • My Place        • Trivia Time

     Money Smart DVD     DVD
     #9170 Make “cents” of your finances with this popular DVD on managing money for building
     long-term financial security. Five segments feature financial and business professionals sharing
     their insights into all aspects of money: Earning, Saving and Investing, Spending, Owing, and
     Tracking and Giving. 25 minutes. 2014. $79.95. SPECIALS: 5 copies for $372.95; 10 copies
     for $719.95.

    GED Success

     GED Review Series (29 DVDs)     DVD
     #4873 This 29-DVD program (59 hours of training) prepares students for today’s
     new GED. Jam-packed with basic skills, useful building blocks, and examples. A
     great investment for public libraries, schools, colleges, correctional facilities, etc. Be
     sure to choose the right review for your state’s test. Most states now administer the
     GED exclusively. But seven states administer the HiSET (IA, LA, ME, MA, MO, MT,
     and NH), and three states administer the TASC (IN, NY, and WV). And still others
     administer multiple tests (NV, NJ, TN, and WY). 2014. $899.95 for all 29 DVDs.
     GED Review Series includes 4 programs:
         y Language Arts Steps 1-2-3    y Science Steps 1-2-3    BESTSELLER!
         y Mathematics Steps 1-2-3     y Social Studies Steps 1-2-3
    Also available:
         y TASC Review Series (#8958) (for Indiana, New York, and West Virginia) for $899.95
         y  HiSET Review Series (#8957) (for Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri,
        Montana, and New Hampshire) for $899.95
     Kaplan GED Prep Plus 2020: Practice Tests + Proven Strategies + Online + Video + Mobile
     #4922  The ultimate step-by-step guide to the GRE! Includes expert strategies, essential content review, 6 prac-
     tice tests (1 in book, 5 online), 1,700+ questions with detailed explanations, personalized study plan, expert
     videos on stress-reduction techniques and study planning tactics, one-on-one academic support from Kaplan
     faculty (via Facebook), and much more! 708 pages. 2019. $39.99. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $359.95; 100
     copies for $3,199.00.

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