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Active Parenting Video Library (4th Edition) DVD
#8028 Designed for parents of children ages 5 to 12, this set of 6 stand-alone videos provides parents
with the skills they need to meet the challenges of parenting in today’s turbulent society:
y The Active Parent y Building Courage & Self-Esteem
y Cooperation & Communication y Understanding and Redirecting Misbehavior
y Responsibility & Discipline y Active Parenting for School Success
25 to 35 minutes each. Available in English or Spanish (please specify). Can purchase separately for $79.95 each.
SPECIAL: Complete set of 6 videos, plus a Parent’s Guide ($14.95), for $413.95.
A Sentence of Their Own DVD
#6323 This award-winning program, by Oscar-nominated director Edgar A. Barens, chronicles one family’s
annual pilgrimage to prison, revealing the damaging impact incarceration has on families. Shows the slow
descent of a family “doing time” on the outside. Calls for a closer examination of the growing use of incarcer-
ation and its impact on families and communities. 53 minutes. $125.00. SPECIAL: 5 copies for $539.95.
Positive Parenting Skills Kit Positive Parenting Skills Kit
for Fathers Behind Bars for Mothers Behind Bars
#9535 Children give renewed meaning and purpose to #9536 Children give renewed meaning and
fathers behind bars. But being incarcerated doesn’t mean purpose to incarcerated mothers. But being locked
you can’t be a loving and responsible father. Above all, you up doesn’t mean you can’t be a loving mother.
must try harder to sharpen your parenting skills because While you face unique parenting challenges, you must try
of your unusual circumstances. This unique collection of hard to sharpen your parenting skills. The following books
books shows how you can become the father you would show how. Can purchase separately. SPECIAL: $131.95 for
love to be. Can purchase separately. SPECIALS: complete kit of 8 books; 5 sets (40 books) for $619.00;
$127.95 for complete kit of 8 books; 5 sets 10 sets (80 books) for $1,219.00; 100 sets (800 books)
(40 books) for $599.00; 10 sets (80 books) for $11,199.00.
for $1,099.00; 100 sets (800 books) for y 5 Conversations You Must Have With
$10,799.00. Your Daughter ($14.99)
y 10 Commandments of Dads ($12.99) y The 5 Love Languages of Children ($15.99)
y 52 Things Kids Need From Dads ($12.95) y The 10 Habits of Happy Mothers ($17.00)
y Better Dads, Stronger Sons ($15.99) y 52 Things Kids Need From a Mom ($17.99)
y Father to Son ($9.95) y How to Become a Responsible Mother ($30.00)
y How to Become a Responsible Father ($30.00) y How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So
y Letters to My Son ($16.95) Kids Will Talk ($18.00)
y Parenting From a Distance ($19.95) y Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids ($17.00)
y Parenting From the Inside Out ($17.00) y Positive Parenting: An Essential Guide ($16.00)
Incarcerated Parents Video Kit for Men Incarcerated Parents Video Kit
#5229 Parenting is often a sobering experience, especially for Women
for incarcerated fathers who want to take personal respon- #5232 The loss of motherhood behind bars can be psycho-
sibility for their choices. This collection of DVDs touches the logically devastating. This collection of parenting DVDs for
hearts and enriches the minds of those who wish to “make women touches the hearts and enriches the minds of those
it right on the outside” with their family and who wish to “make it right on the outside” with
children. Can purchase separately. SPE- their children and family. Can purchase separate-
CIAL: $569.95 for all 5 DVDs. ly. SPECIAL: $499.95 for all 5 DVDs.
y Bad Dads ($99.95) y Diary of a Teenage Mother ($129.95)
y Fathering: What It Means to Be a Dad ($79.95) y Parenting 101 ($99.95)
y Fatherless in America ($169.95) y Parenting Principles ($79.95)
y Parenting 101 ($99.95) y Single Parenting ($79.95)
y The Story of Fathers and Sons ($149.00) y The Story of Mothers and Daughters ($149.00)
Parenting From the Inside Out Kit for Incarcerated Fathers
#7218 This unique kit pulls together some of the best books and DVDs to make responsible and
effective parenting for men a reality. SPECIAL: $745.95 for all 20 resources.
BOOKS z How to Be a Responsible Father: Instructor’s
z 10 Commitments for Dads ($13.99) Manual ($50.00)
z 52 Things Kids Need from a Dad ($12.99) z Letters to My Son ($16.95)
z 88 Great Daddy-Daughter Dates ($18.99) z Parenting from the Inside Out ($17.00)
z Becoming the Dad Your Daughter Needs ($16.95) z Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters ($19 .99)
z Better Dads, Stronger Sons ($15.99)
z Do Fathers Matter? ($17.99) DVDs
z Father to Daughter: Life Lessons on Raising a Girl ($9.95) z Fathering: What It Means to
z Father to Son: Life Lessons on Raising a Boy ($9.95) Be a Dad ($79.95)
z Fatherhood: Rising to the Ultimate Challenge ($17.00) z Parenting 101 ($99.95)
z How to Be a Good Divorced Dad ($19.95) z Parenting Principles ($79.95)
z How to Be a Responsible Father: Workbook ($30.00) z Single Parenting ($79.95)
z The Story of Fathers and Sons ($149.00)
22 orders 800.361.1055 | online ordering