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Drugs of Addiction and CANDIS Curriculum: A Marijuana Treatment
Abuse DVD Kit Program for Youth and Adults
#9164 Nine DVDs address the many se- #4248 Evidence-based and abstinence- oriented, CAN-
rious issues affecting major types of drug DIS helps adult clients overcome their dependence on
use today. Covers everything from alco- cannabis. Using motivational enhancement therapy (MET),
hol, marijuana, bath salts, and inhalants cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT),
to more serious and addictive cocaine, and contingency management,
crack, heroin, opium, and morphine. Can the program is comprised of ten
purchase separately. SPECIAL: $1,239.00 for the com- 90-minute sessions. Three main ob-
plete kit of 9 DVDs. jectives for participants are to:
y Addictive Personality ($129.95) y Realize they have a problem
y Bath Salts and Other Synthetic with cannabis
Drugs ($99.95) y Accept therapy and partici-
y Cannabis: Satanic Herb or Healing pate in treatment
Potion ($169.95) y Obtain abstinence and gain
y Drugs: The Straight Facts relapse prevention skills
(5 DVDs - Alcohol, Cocaine and Begins with a client assessment and continues with
Crack, Inhalants, Marijuana, and ten sessions. The program includes a manual, CD-ROM,
Narcotics) ($499.75) and a DVD. 2017. $645.00. SPECIAL: 5 programs for
y Drugs of Abuse ($425.00) $2,949.00.
Co-occurring Disorders Program
#9173 This evidence-based program addresses issues directly impacting clients living with a substance use disorder
and nonsevere mental illness. Extremely flexible and very easy to implement, each piece can be used effectively as a
stand-alone program. Provides everyone on a treatment team with the same tools at the same time, and helps create
a shared, respectful partnership with clients when developing a treatment plan. Components of this program specif-
ically designed for people with co-occurring disorders include:
y Screening and Assessment y Family Program: Education, Skills, y A Guide for Living with Co-occurring
y Integrating Combined Therapies and Therapy for Families Disorders
y Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy y A Leaders’s Guide to Implementing
y Medication Management integrated Services
Includes five curricula, a DVD and A Leaders Guide to Implementing Integrated Services. Many of the curricula include
a clinician’s guide, as well as reproducible patient handouts, and clinician forms. Complete curriculum for $925.00.
SPECIAL: 5 programs for $4,199.00.
Helping Men Recover: Helping Women Recover:
A Program for Treating Addiction A Program for Treating Addiction
in Correctional Settings Stephanie S. Covington, Ph.D.
Dr. Stephanie S. Covington, Dan Griffin, and Rick Dauer #7464 Designed for women with substance-abuse
#3249 The first treatment program disorders in correctional settings. Includes innovative
designed for men in the criminal jus- evidence-based and empirically tested therapeutic in-
tice system. An evidence-based pro- terventions that are used to treat substance abuse and
gram consists of a 300-page facilita- trauma. Covers topics such as self, relationships, sexuality,
tor’s guide and a 256-page participant’s and spirituality. Covers topics that women in treatment
workbook. Presented in an 18-session have identified as necessary for growth and healing or
format, the program is organized into issues that trigger relapse. Package includes a 392-page
four modules that recovering men have identified as trig- loose-leaf facilitator’s guide and a 156-page client jour-
gers for relapse and as necessary for growth and healing: nal (workbook), which provide counselors, mental health
y Self y Sexuality professionals, corrections staff, and program adminis-
y Relationships y Spirituality trators with the tools they need to implement a highly
effective recovery program targeted
The user-friendly and self-instructive materials allows toward women. 2008. $205.00 for
program to be implemented by a staff with a wide range the program package; $35.00 for 1
of training and experience. 2011. $195.00 for the pack- workbook. WORKBOOK SPECIALS:
age of one guide and one workbook. $31.25 for one 10 copies for $315.00; 100 copies
workbook. SPECIALS FOR THE WORKBOOK: 10 cop- for $2,795.00. PROGRAM SPECIAL:
ies for $283.00; 100 copies for $2,595.00. 5 sets for $929.00.
Recovery Basics: How to Start Strong and Keep Going
#9372 People find that almost every aspect of their life is uprooted and disrupted once they begin recovery, and
these changes can be radical and far-reaching. Being well prepared during this transition dramatically increases the
odds of a successful recovery. This video-based program helps smooth that transition by equipping those in recov-
ery with the strategies and tools needed when small choices can have big consequences. In this engaging video,
mental health expert Amanda Klinger, PsyD, LP, from the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation discusses six basic topics:
y Starting Your Recovery y Managing Your Day y Building Healthy Relationships
y Preventing Relapse y Managing Thoughts & Feelings y Keeping It Going
Presents specific and easy-to-understand techniques that address cravings, triggers, negative influences, conflicting
emotions, shame, guilt, and relapse. 2018. $245.00. SPECIAL: 5 videos for $899.00.
24 orders 800.361.1055 | online ordering