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Treatment Basics: Your Questions Answered DVD
#9551 Featuring interviews with both experts and people who have experienced treatment themselves, Treatment Basics
gives clients and their loved ones a better understanding of what to expect throughout substance use disorder treatment.
Designed to work with both adults and young adults, this engaging video addresses these important questions:
1. Do I Need Help? 5. How Do I Take Care of Myself While My Loved
2. What Kind of Help Is Available? One Is in Treatment?
3. What Will Withdrawal Be Like? 6. How Can I Support My Loved One in Treatment?
4. How Can I Be Successful in Treatment?
This video can complement an existing curriculum, or each chapter can be used independently. The accom-
panying flash drive contains a facilitator guide (includes background information, preparation instructions, dis-
cussion questions, and additional activities) and client fact sheets to create dynamic learning sessions in either
one-on-one or group settings. Treatment Basics is ideal for use in a variety of settings, including in interventions,
primary care settings, correctional settings, educational settings, community groups, and therapeutic settings
focused on substance use disorder treatment. The program includes accompanying CD-ROMs, facilitator guides
with discussion questions, and client fact sheets. 2018. $245.00. SPECIAL: 5 videos for $999.00.
Medical Aspect of Substance The Hazelden Treatment and
Use Disorder: Recovery Support Video Series
The Neurobiology of Addiction (DVD/CD-ROM) #9552 This series is a straightforward, dy-
namic, and inexpensive tool for providing
Marvin Seppala, M.D., and Joseph Lee, M.D. excellent treatment and recovery support
#4455 This program examines the neuro- to clients and their families:
biology of addiction, or how alcohol and y Addiction Basics: Understanding
other drugs affect the brain and central the Disease
nervous system. The video explains why, y Treatment Basics: Your Questions
because of changes in brain chemistry, it is Answered
so difficult to overcome a severe substance y Recovery Basics: How to Start Strong
use disorder. This highly engaging video and Keep Going
works well in individual and group sessions, y Family Recovery Basics
inpatient and outpatient services, including treatment
centers, correctional facilities, and mental health clinics, Each video features interviews with medical experts
parent education programs, family counseling, and staff and individuals in recovery for better understanding
in-services. Comes complete with reproducible fact sheets, addiction as a disease, what happens in treatment, the
a participant worksheet, and a facilitator guide on CD-ROM importance of recovery, and the process of healing. The
(318 pages of print materials) to complement and rein- program includes accompanying CD-ROMs, facilitator
force the messages in the video. DVD runs 355 minutes guides with discussion questions, and client fact sheets.
2018. Can purchase separately for $245.00 each.
with numerous breakpoints for instructional purposes.
2016. $295.00. SPECIAL: 5 programs for $1,379.00. $865.00 for complete set of 4 videos. SPECIAL: 5
programs (20 videos + materials) for $3,899.00.
Canoe Journey: A Life Skills Manual for Native Americans (Curriculum)
#7094 An evidence-based, comprehensive life skills curriculum program designed to help youth
make smart choices while avoiding the temptations/hazards of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
Developed for urban Native American adolescents, Canoe Journey is appropriate for all teens and
settings – prevention, treatment, and criminal justice. Includes 8 sessions: The Medicine Wheel/Ca-
noe Journey as a Metaphor; Who Am I? Beginning at the Center; Community Help and Support:
Help on the Journey; The Quest: Goal Setting; Overcoming Obstacles: Solving Problems; Effective Communication:
Listening to Others, and...; Moods and Coping with Negative Emotions; Strengthening Our Body and Spirit. $129.00.
SPECIALS: 5 copies for $595.00; 10 copies for $1,169.00; 25 copies for $2,579.00.
Addiction Recovery DVD Series DVD Drugs and the Brain Series
#4766 Eight high-interest #6494 Reveals the effects of stimulants, painkillers,
DVDs present recovery in tobacco and alcohol, cannabis, and hallucinogens on
a fun format. Includes testi- the brain based on the latest research and computer
monials from recovering in- graphics. Reveals the elaborate and frequently danger-
dividuals and insights from ous ways in which various drugs alter brain chemistry.
addiction expert Saul Sel- 51 minutes per DVD. Can purchase separately. $169.95
by (former Clinical Director each. SPECIAL: All 5 DVDs for $819.95.
at Hazelden). Slick, the famous “voice of addiction” animat- y Stimulants: The Mechanics
ed puppet, makes these programs both humorous and of Pleasure
memorable. Includes 27 free downloadable worksheets. y Painkillers: Numbing
20-70 minutes each. $229.00. SPECIALS: 5 sets of 8 the Mind
DVDs for $999.00; 10 sets for $1,899.00. y Legal Drugs: Still Addictive,
y Denial and Recovery y Am I an Addict? Still Deadly
y Cross-Addiction / Recovery y Motivation & Recovery y Cannabis: Satanic Herb or
y Relapse Prevention y Couples Recovery Healing Potion?
y Relationship Recovery y Kids Recovery y Designer Drugs: Uncertain Borders
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