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Special Value Kits & Series

                                 SERIES – UNDER $80

     Soft Skills Solutions Series
     Ann Cross and Martha Lanaghen
     #8913 It’s difficult keeping a good job if you lack the soft skills to best handle various workplace situations. This
     set of booklets provides job seekers with essential tools for career success. Each booklet offers practice activities
     and exercises to help job seekers develop the necessary soft skills for achieving career goals, with useful infor-
     mation, tips, and resources to build a professional image for job retention. Individual titles include:
         y Stepping Stones to Success! Goals and Attitudes    y  Demonstrate Your Value Through
         y Make Yourself Heard! Professional Communication Skills  Collaboration! Teamwork & Motivation
         y  How You Act and Dress Matters! Professional Etiquette     y  Play Nice and Stay Employed! Workplace
        and Image                               Relationships and Conflicts
         y Wake Up and Work! Keys to Self-Management    y Lead with Integrity! Leadership and Ethics
     22-36 pages each. 2014. Can purchase separately for $9.95 per title. SPECIALS: $41.95 for all 7 titles; $53.95 for 10
     copies of a single title; $380.00 for 10 copies of all 7 titles (70 booklets).
                                  KITS – UNDER $115
                Best Resume, Letter, and Interview Tips
                #6205 Discover the latest inside tips and techniques for communicating qualifica-
                tions to employers. Can purchase separately. $86.95 for complete set. SPECIALS:
                5 sets (25 books) for $399.95; 10 sets (50 books) for $759.95; 100 sets (500
                books) for $7,189.95.
                    y Best Keywords for Resumes, Letters, and Interviews ($19.95)
                    y Knock ‘Em Dead Cover Letters ($15.99)
                    y Modernize Your Resume ($18.95)
                    y Modernize Your Job Search Letters ($18.95)
                    y Knock ‘Em Dead Resumes ($15.99)
     Best Job Interview and Salary Advice Kit  Assess Your Interests,
     #6350 Includes key resources for job search   Skills, and Abilities Kit
     success. Can purchase separately. SPECIAL:   #6349 Jam-packed with key tools to
     $99.95 for all 7 books.                  help you get in touch with your inner
        y  101 Great Answers to the Toughest   strengths. Can purchase separately. SPE-
       Interview Questions ($14.99)           CIAL: $104.95 for all 6 books.
        y  101 Dynamite Questions to Ask At       y Career Match ($23.95)
       Your Interview ($13.95)                    y  Discover the Best Jobs for
        y  Best Answers to 202 Job Interview    You ($15.95)
       Questions ($17.95)                         y Do What You Are ($19.00)
        y Give Me More Money! ($17.95)            y The Passion Test ($17.00)
        y  I Can’t Believe They Asked             y The Pathfinder ($20.00)
       Me That! ($17.95)                          y  What Color Is Your Parachute
        y Job Interviews for Dummies ($18.99)   Job Hunter’s Workbook ($12.99)
        y Win the Interview, Win the Job ($15.95)
     Dress, Etiquette, and Good Impressions Kit
     #6698 Includes some of the best resources for assisting individuals with many of
     the key nonverbal elements (dress, etiquette, image) of finding a job and succeed-
     ing on the job. Can purchase separately. SPECIAL: $99.95 for all 7 books.
        y Dress Your Best ($19.95)    y  Savvy Interviewing: The Nonverbal
        y Dressing Smart for Men ($16.95)  Advantage ($10.95)
        y Dressing Smart for Women ($16.95)    y  Work 101: Learning the Ropes of the
        y First Impressions ($16.00)  Workplace Without Hanging Yourself
        y Power Etiquette ($19.95)  ($15.00)
     “No One Will Hire Me” Is a Myth!
     Krannich, Long, and Fein                        y  95 Mistakes Job Seekers Make... ($13.95)
                                                     y  Job Hunting Tips for People With Hot and
     #3866 Rid yourself of negative job search thoughts with   Not-So-Hot Backgrounds ($17.95)
     these six timeless bestsellers. Address numerous myths     y Job Interview Tips for Overcoming Red Flags ($19.95)
     and misconceptions about finding employment, especial-    y  No One Will Hire Me! ($15.95)
     ly for those who think the deck is always stacked against     y Overcoming Employment Barriers ($19.95)
     them! Can purchase separately. SPECIALS: $99.95 for all     y Quick Job Finding Pocket Guide ($4.95)
     7 books; $899.00 for 10 sets of 7 books (60).    y Unemployed But Moving On! ($13.95)

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