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Best DVDs and/or Streaming Videos

    Job Finding With a Not-So-Hot Background DVD Kit    DVD
    #5294 People with red flags in their backgrounds often find the
    job search to be a daunting task as they experience many rejec-
    tions. This unique kit pulls together some of the best DVDs that
    address the special job search challenges facing people with
    not-so-hot backgrounds. Can purchase separately.  SPECIAL:
    $699.00 for all 6 DVDs.
        y Barriers to Employment Success ($151.00)
        y Finding a Job With a Troubled Background ($108.00)
        y Finding a Job When Your Past is Not So Hot ($125.00)
        y Finding Employment: Road to Re-entry Success ($153.00)
        y  Interviewing With a Troubled Background ($108.00)
        y  Resumes and Cover Letters With a Troubled Background ($108.00)

                       Career Pathways Planning     DVD
                       #7864 This insightful program helps viewers develop a career pathway plan that iden-
                       tifies three areas of interest and the ways each of them can be achieved. Job-seekers of
                       any age discover helpful methods for career pathway planning. Stresses the importance
                       of having the support which a professional career adviser as well as the need to update
                       and renew pathway plans at regular intervals. 25 minutes. 2009. $129.95

                                Inside My Mind: Inside Mental Illness DVD     DVD
                                #9135 Anxiety, a small bout of depression or an obsessional thought – all
                                of us can have these feelings at some time but what if these persist and take
                                over our life? What causes it differs for every one of us. But whatever the
                                trigger, mental illness can happen to anyone, at any time. Using comput-
                                er graphics to travel inside the body, this film explores the science behind
                                mental illness, discovering the social, biological and psychological changes
                                that happen to five people suffering from different mental health disorders
      and unraveling the treatments that are helping them overcome their conditions. 60 minutes. 2013. $300.00 for
      DVD or Streaming Video; $450.00 for DVD and 3-year Streaming Video.
     When Presentation Counts:               207 Interview Techniques     DVD
     Grooming, Dressing, and Body Language     DVD    #8921 This fast-paced program gives tips gleaned from
     #8695 Whether you’re seeking your first job, starting a  thousands of employers who were asked the same two
     new job, or just trying to get ahead on the job, remem-  questions about candidates: “What impressed you most?” don’t get a second chance to make a good first  and “What mistakes did they make?” Job seekers who fol-
     impression! Indeed, like it or not, studies show that our ap-  lowed the advice presented here won more offers – even
                  pearance, body language and other  when they had less experience – than did applicants who
                  mannerisms are incredibly important  thought  they  didn’t  need  coaching.  Divided  into  seven
                  to how someone perceives us.  This  sections that each end
                  new DVD offers seasoned tips on  with a bulleted summary,
                  grooming and basic styles of dress.  the video also covers top-
                  It shows how verbal and nonverbal  ics such as what to wear
                  communication, body language, and  and when to arrive, along
                  posture can impair or enhance your  with the fundamentals of
                  overall image. Includes Instructor’s  crafting a resume. 67 min-
                  Guide. 32 minutes. 2013. $108.00  utes. 2008. $169.95

     Careers for the 21st Century Video Library (21 DVDs)    DVD     BESTSELLER!
     #4811  Exposing viewers to the real world of work, these 21 DVDs examine 170+ oc-
     cupations. Examines: activities, responsibilities, skills, aptitudes, wages/salaries, outlook,
     education, training, rewards, and challenges. Includes candid interviews with workers
     in the field. Covers everything from building trades, sales, and computer occupations
     to mechanics, media, health care, and transportation jobs. Six minutes per segment
     (42-60 minutes per DVD) for a total viewing time of 18 hours. Essential resource for ALL
     institutions involved with career exploration, education, and training. SPANISH BO-
     NUS: Each DVD contains both English and Spanish language tracks. Includes
     public performance rights. Can purchase separately for $95.00 each (see list
     of titles at SPECIAL: $1,695.00 for complete
     library of 21 DVDs – a $300.00 savings!

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