Page 3 - Pastoral Installation Service Booklet(8.5" x 11")
P. 3


                                                  GENERAL BOARD MEMBER & JURISDICTIONAL PRELATE

          Throughout  the  Holy  Writ  the  Lord  has  commanded  and  commissioned
          those  chosen  by  him  to  equip  the  saints  with  the  necessary  resources  that
          strengthens  his  people  and  prepares  them  for  their  divine  mission.  The
          patriarchs  insisted  that  the  laws,  polities,  and  mannerisms  of  Jehovah  be
          recited  and  recalled  through  the  expression  of  holiness,  litany,  and
          worship  often  in  the  gospels  Jesus  catechisms  his  disciples  and  constantly
          prepares them for their future commission.

          At  his  earthly  exodus  he  commands  the  apostles  and  disciples  to  teach  all
          nations  making  them  disciples  and  teach  them  the  things  they  observed
          with  a  covenant  that  he  will  be  with  them  always  even  until  the  end  of
          ages.  The  comprehension  of  this  biblical  mandate  has  for  centuries  forged
          the evolution of strong relevant and vibrant religious reformations.

          God  has  commissioned  us  to  globally  minister  to  his  people.  This  mandate
          instructs us to go into all the world making disciples and teaching them to
          observe  his  commandments.  Our  current  worldwide  crisis  has  captured
          the  attention  of  all  nations  forcing  them  to  seek  answers  and  petition  God
          for deliverance, which makes evangelism welcoming to the masses.

          We  must  embrace  this  moment  with  urgency  and  equip  God's  people  with
          repentance,  deliverance,  and  divine  hope.  We  accept  this  mammoth
          challenge  and  unite  to  vanguard  humanity  through  consecration  and
          direction  through  our  congregations  we  will  launch  in  our  community
          (Jerusalem)  and  expand  to  the  mist  utter  parts  of  the  earth.  We  are  God’
          voice and ambassadors for Christ that are empowered by the Holy Ghost

          Our founder Bishop C. H. Mason inspired by the Holy Ghost is
          celebrated  for  his  global  outreach  reliance  upon  the  acts  of  the  Holy
          Ghost  and  applauded  for  his  prayerful  strategies  that  infused  a  southern
          community to become a mighty fortress in the kingdom.

          As  descendants  of  this  great  heritage,  we  are  commissioned  to  embrace
          biblical  instruction  and  our  Pentecostal  witness  to  advance  ministry
          initiatives throughout our consistent.

          I  am  honored  and  humbled  to  navigate  this  mission  and  applaud  the  stellar
          facilitators  that  will  simulate  and  impart  an  empowering  impetus,  which
          will  advance  inspiring  initiative  and  explore  best  practices  that  empowers
          our Godly journey to ascend courageously to New horizons.
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