Page 6 - Pastoral Installation Service Booklet(8.5" x 11")
P. 6

Friday                , APRIL 22, 2022

                                                       AT NOON
                                      Executive Session with the Bishop

       The Devotion                                                            Department of Women

                       Organizational Forecasting and Ministry Development
                                   Bishop Sedgwick Daniels, Moderator

                                        6:30 PM - Auxiliary Prayer Hour
                             Moderator – Superintendent Walter L. Fields, Jr.

       The Reading of the Holy Writ                                    Evangelist Donna Davis
       The Invocation                                                        Pastor Dorothy Cowsers
       The Welcome                                         Assistant Supervisor Latoya Holiday
       The Observation                                                                Elder Ryan Gray
       The Prayer for Nation                                                      Bishop David Bent
       The Ministry of Giving                                    Superintendent Aaron Robbins
       The Presentation of Bishop                                 Superintendent Nate Cowser
       The District Showcase
                                            PRESIDING DISTRICTS

            Superintendent Walter Fields and District Missionary Erickajoy Daniels

                                                   Hope of Glory
           Superintendent Jeremiah Holiday and District Missionary Antoinette Bent

                                                   Brotherly Love
                 Superintendent Raymond Davis and District Missionary J. Bailey

                                                   Rose of Sharon
              Superintendent W. Aaron Robins and District Missionary Lois Dawson

               Superintendent Maurice West and District Missionary Jessie Palmer

                                        Wisconsin/Minnesota Northwest
                                        Superintendent Darrell Hayslett

              Superintendent Hosea Bates and District Missionary Sylvia Lumpkins

                                               THE WORD OF GOD
                                         Pastor Reginald Sharpe, Jr.,
                                   Fellowship Baptist Church Chicago, IL

       The Benediction                                                      Pastor Jeffrey Goodman
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