Page 9 - Pastoral Installation Service Booklet(8.5" x 11")
P. 9
LEADER: We affirm our faith in the Bible.
PEOPLE: We believe the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible written
word of God.
LEADER: We affirm our faith in God.
PEOPLE: We believe that there is one God eternally existent in three persons;
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
LEADER: We affirm our faith in the Blessed Hope.
PEOPLE: We believe in the Blessed Hope, which is the rapture of the Church
of God, which is in Christ at His return.
LEADER: We affirm our faith in Repentance and Salvation.
PEOPLE: We believe that the only means of being cleansed from sin is
through repentance and faith in the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
We believe that regeneration by the Holy Ghost is absolutely
essential for personal salvation.
LEADER: We affirm our faith in Jesus Christ.
PEOPLE: We believe that the redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides
healing of the human body in answer to believing in prayer.
LEADER: We affirm our faith in the Holy Ghost.
PEOPLE: We believe that the baptism in the Holy Ghost, according to Acts
2:4, is given to believers who ask for it.
LEADER: We affirm our faith in Sanctification.
PEOPLE: We believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, by whose the
indwelling the Christian is enable to live a holy and separated life in
this present world. AMEN
Hear the blessed Savior calling the oppressed, “Oh, ye heavy-laden, come to Me and
rest; Come, no longer tarry, I your load will bear, Bring Me every burden, bring Me every
Are you disappointed, wand’ring here and there, Dragging chains of doubt and loaded
down with care? Do unholy feelings struggle in your breast? Bring your case to
Jesus—He will give you rest.
Stumbling on the mountains dark with sin and shame, Stumbling toward the pit of hell’s
consuming flame; By the pow’rs of sin deluded and oppressed, Hear the tender Shepherd,
“Come to Me and rest.”
Have you by temptation often conquered been, Has a sense of weakness brought distress
within? Christ will sanctify you, if you’ll claim His best; In the Holy Spirit, He will give
you rest.
Refrain: Come unto Me, I will give you rest; Take My yoke upon you, hear Me and be
blest; I am meek and lowly, come and trust My might; Come, My yoke is easy, and My
burden’s light.