Page 12 - Pastoral Installation Service Booklet(8.5" x 11")
P. 12


             Pastor Darrin R. Thomas is the Founding Pastor of Majestic Ministries Church
             of  God  in  Christ  in  Minneapolis,  MN.  As  son  of  the  late  Superintendent
             Vernell  Thomas  Sr.  and  Evangelist  Loretta  Thomas,  he  continues  the  rich
             legacy  of  his  father  who  pastored  the  Greater  St.  Paul  Church  of  God  in
             Christ for 54 years.

             Pastor  Darrin  is  an  anointed  musician,  singer,  and  preacher  who  gave  his  life
             to  Christ  as  a  young  man  in  1987.    For  over  33  years  he  worked  alongside  of
             his  father  serving  God  faithfully  and  ministering  to  people  wherever,
             whenever, and however God led him to.

             During  that  time  Pastor  Darrin  was  used  mightily  as  the  Youth  Department
             President  and  President  of  the  choir,  which  he  would  lead  for  more  than  20
             years.    This  diligence  resulted  in  him  being  called  to  Direct  the  Multi-
             Cultural  Choir  of  St.  Olaf  College  in  2001,  an  appointment  by  the  late  Elder
             William  Green,  Director  of  Multi-Cultural  Affairs.  His  tenure  there  was  a
             testimony  of  God’s  grace  as  the  choir  and  band  increased  from  15  to  125
             members under his leadership.

             In  2007,  Pastor  Darrin  was  ordained  an  Elder  by  Bishop  Fred  W.  Washington,
             Minnesota  Ecclesiastical  Jurisdiction,  and  humbly  served  in  that  position
             until  called  by  God  in  2021  to  Pastor  Majestic  Ministries  Church  of  God  in
             Christ, where he is known to all as Pastor D.

             As  an  alumnus  of  National  University  where  he  studied  Information  Systems
             &  Technology,  Pastor  D.  has  worked  for  Fortune  500  companies  United
             HealthCare,  RBC  Wealth  Management,  Wells  Fargo,  and  others,  and  is
             currently a Supervisor of Information Systems & Technology.

             Pastor  D.  Is  a  loving  father  and  faithful  husband  to  Lady  Sheran  Thomas  for
             34 years….and counting!
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