Page 15 - Pastoral Installation Service Booklet(8.5" x 11")
P. 15


           Pastor  Chris  Harris  leads  Bright  Star  Church  (
           in  Chicago’s  Bronzeville  Community  and  has  ministered  in  over  24  countries
           singing Gospel and Jazz.

           He is founder of Bright Star Community Outreach (
           a  501c3  dedicated  to  youth  &  family  anti-violence  programs.  He  has  developed  the  TURN
           Center  (The  Urban  Resilience  Network)  based  on  the  Israeli  model  of  NATAL  in  Tel  Aviv.
           TURN  endeavors  to  focus  on  five  core  competencies:  counseling,  parenting,  mentorship,
           work-force  development  and  advocacy.  Its  unique  model  will  utilize  faith  and  community
           leaders  as  trauma  counselors  and  use  community  surveys  as  the  basis  for  services  that
           directly  correspond  to  the  unique  needs  of  constituents.  Its  end-to-end  approach  offers  a
           replicable,  evidenced-based  template  for  risk  assessment  and  program  evaluation.  Although
           the  TURN  Center  will  sit  in  Bronzeville;  it  will  serve  Chicago  as  a  whole,  and  our  ultimate
           goal is to replicate this model across the United States in other traumatized communities.

           BCSO’s  partners  in  this  effort  are:  Northwestern  Medicine,  University  of  Chicago
           Medicine,  United  Way  of  Metropolitan  Chicago,  Jewish  United  Fund,  Sinai
           Community  Institute,  Centers  for  Disease  Control  (CDC)  and  now  CIGNA  to  name  a
           few.  This  community  impact  project  has  received  more  than  $9  Million  dollars  of
           support  thus  far.  BSCO  now  employs  500+  (full  and  part  time)  residents  in  Chicago
           and  has  served  thousands  of  residents  in  the  Bronzeville  Community.  One  of  the  most
           exciting  things  for  Pastor  Harris  and  BSCO  is  their  Greater  Bronzeville  Community
           Action  Plan  where  more  than  50  Bronzeville  organizations  are  collaboratively
           partnering  to  make  a  community  level  impact  on  violence  and  trauma.  This
           collaborative vision plan birthed from and led by Pastor Harris recently received a $1
           Million Grant from the MacArthur Foundation over a four year period.

           Pastor  Harris  has  served  as  National  Council  Member  of  AIPAC  (the  American  Israel
           Public  Affairs  Committee)  and  is  the  Chairman  of  the  Bronzeville  Community  Action
           Council.  He  is  also  a  member  of  the  University  of  Chicago  Medicine  (UCM)
           Community  Advisory  Council  and  has  served  as  President  of  the  4th  Ward  &  Cook
           County  Clergy  Coalitions.  He’s  the  proud  husband  of  Jojo  Harris  and  father  of  four
           beautiful children – Chrystal (26), Chris Jr. (21), Christian (19) and Christiana (16).
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