Page 18 - Pastoral Installation Service Booklet(8.5" x 11")
P. 18


         Timothy  P.  Thomas  was  born  and  raised  in  Milwaukee,  WI.  He  is  a  graduate  of  Morehouse  College
         with  a  major  in  communications  and  marketing.  His  dream  was  to  work  at  a  record  label  and
         manage their concert promotion division. He was confident in himself as an excellent salesman and
         had  experience  with  event  promotions  while  in  college.  However,  his  dream  was  deferred,  and  he
         ended  up  in  Milwaukee  after  college  and  found  a  job  in  the  banking  and  finance  industry.  Gaining
         successful  momentum  in  sales,  Timothy  was  offered  a  promotion  opportunity  with  his  choice  of
         relocation  options.  Still  hopeful  that  God  was  sending  him  back  to  the  South  to  realize  his  dream
         of becoming a concert promoter, Timothy chose to relocate to High Point, NC.
         Within  a  year  of  being  in  North  Carolina,  Timothy’s  assistant  fell  out  of  her  office  chair,  and
         started  convulsing  due  to  a  seizure.  Timothy  began  to  “negotiate”  with  God  because  he  felt  God
         prompting  him  to  pray  for  her.  His  hesitance  was  him  questioning  his  own  ability  to  intercede  on
         her  behalf.  Finally,  he  said  Lord  if  I  pray  for  her  and  you  heal  her,  I  will  preach  for  you.
         Meanwhile,  she  was  turning  blue  in  the  face  and  her  chest  was  rising  and  she  had  entered  a  state
         of  unconsciousness.  Timothy  laid  hands  on  the  woman’s  head  and  said  “Jesus”.  Her  color
         immediately  changed,  her  chest  went  down,  she  breathed  a  big  sigh,  and  regained  consciousness.
         That  same  day  while  driving  home  from  work,  the  Lord  began  dealing  with  his  heart.  He  was  so
         overcome  by  the  Spirit  so  much  so  that  he  ran  from  his  car  into  his  hotel  room  speaking  in
         tongues.  Hoping  to  “make  it  stop”,  Timothy  called  on  his  family  for  help.  After  receiving  a  call
         from his mother, she simply said to him “Just say yes”. That’s when the journey began.
         Timothy  formally  accepted  Christ  and  was  baptized  at  Wells  Memorial  Church  of  God  in  Christ  in
         Greensboro,  NC.  under  the  late  Bishop  Ithiel  Clemmons.  Bishop  Clemmons  taught  Timothy  to  start
         preaching  by  sharing  his  testimony,  show  love  for  God’s  people  and  balance  church,  family  and
         work responsibilities.
         A  promotion  took  Timothy  to  Dallas,  Texas  where  he  joined  Greater  Church  of  the  Harvest  under
         Bishop  Frank  Smith.  There  he  was  appointed  Deacon  and  Bishop  Smith  would  often  talk  to  him
         about helping people and loving them throughout their spiritual journey.
         Another  promotion  opportunity  led  Timothy  to  Chicago,  IL  and  Timothy  joined  Faith  Temple
         Church  of  God  In  Christ  under  Bishop  Carlis  Moody  Sr.  There  he  served  on  the  financial  team  and
         worked  as  a  consultant  on  behalf  of  the  church  leading  meetings  with  real  estate  and  bank
         executives.  He  also  participated  in  Mission  outreach  programs  in  the  community  and  even  traveled
         to  visit  orphanages  in  Haiti  with  Bishop  Moody  and  his  team.  Bishop  Moody  sent  Timothy  to
         Elder’s  school  for  the  Church  of  God  in  Christ  and  recommended  him  to  be  an  Elder  appointed  by
         Bishop  Ocie  Booker  in  2004.  He  later  attended  Moody  Bible  Institute  and  Life  Christian
         University as well.
         After becoming an Elder, Timothy’s journey led him back home to help his father Pastor Mainer H.
         Thomas at the Word of Life Ministries Church of God in Christ with Bishop Moody’s blessing.
         What  started  with  a  communications  and  marketing  degree  and  lead  to  career  transitions  and
         relocations,  have  all  unveiled  God’s  divine  plan  for  Timothy  Paulus  Thomas:  To  be  a  Promoter  of
         Christ.  With  his  purpose  in  full  view,  Timothy’s  love  for  people  and  his  faith  in  God’s  divine
         miracles bring his career and of salvation journey full circle.
         Timothy  is  the  loving  husband  to  his  beautiful  wife  and  best  friend,  Erika  Thomas.  He  has  two
         beautiful  daughters,  Lindsey  Thomas,  a  Junior  at  Spelman  College  and  Lauren  Thomas,  a  Senior  in
         High  School  both  on  Honor  Roll.  He  owns  a  burgeoning  commercial  real  estate  brokerage  firm
         with clients throughout the United States.
         Timothy’s  prayer  is  “And  let  the  peace  of  God  rule  in  your  hearts,  to  the  which  also  ye  are  called
         in  one  body;  and  be  ye  thankful”.  Colossians  3:15.  Having  empathy  for  people,  maintaining  a
         balance  between  church  and  family,  and  finding  ways  to  partner  in  the  community  are  his  purpose
         as a believer and how he’s been called to lead.
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