Page 16 - Pastoral Installation Service Booklet(8.5" x 11")
P. 16


             Elder  Joshua  L  Russell  Sr  was  born  in  Milwaukee  WI  in  May  of  1983.  He  is
             the  2nd  oldest  son  of  Supt  Lincoln  E  Russell  Sr  and  District  Missy  Betty  D
             Russell.  Bro  Joshua  is  the  proud  Father  of  5  young  men  Darian  Russell,
             Joshua Russell Jr, Evan Russell, Xavier Russell, and Ethan Russell.

             He  is  a  product  of  the  Milwaukee  Public  School  educational  system  and
             graduated  with  his  degree  in  Business  Administration  from  Carthage  College
             in 2005.

             Brother  Joshua  accepted  Christ  in  a  January  Revival  at  his  home  church
             Little  Community  COGIC  in  2008.  In  2009  He  was  appointed  to  the  Deacons
             Board  at  Little  Community  Church  before  He  accepted  his  call  to  the
             ministry  and  became  a  licensed  minister  in  the  COGIC  in  2013.  After
             faithfully  serving  as  a  minister,  he  was  recommended  to  the  “Bishop  JC
             Williams  School  of  Ministry  in  2016  and  graduated  as  Valedictorian  in  his
             class  in  2017.  Then  in  2018  –  he  was  consecrated  by  the  laying  on  of  hands
             by  the  late  great  Bishop  JC  Williams  of  the  WI  3rd  Jurisdiction  –  and  was
             promoted to the title of “Elder '' in the Church of God in Christ.

             Bro  Joshua  did  his  best  to  serve  his  Pastor  and  local  assembly  working  as
             Action  Ministries  President,  LC  Men’s  Dept  Chairman  and  Group  Captain,
             Praise and Worship Team, Finance Committee, and whatever his hands found
             to do.

             At  a  jurisdictional  level,  he  served  as  the  secretary  of  the  Elders  council  of
             the  3rd  Jurisdiction  of  WI  and  Chairman  of  the  Missions  Dept  in  both  the
             Wisconsin  3rd  and  Wisconsin  1st  Jurisdiction  –  under  the  irreplaceable
             leadership  of  World  Missions  President  Pastor  Jerome  Smith  Sr.  In  March  of
             2021  –  due  to  health  challenges  –  He  was  asked  by  Pastor  Jerome  Smith  Sr,
             to  assist  in  the  ministry  of  Greater  Praise  Church  where  he  was  Founder  and
             Pastor,  until  his  health  challenges  improved.  It  was  the  prayer  of  the  Lord's
             people  that  Pastor  Smith  would  make  a  full  recovery  and  return  to  resume
             his  duty  as  Pastor.  However,  the  will  of  our  Lord  differed  from  ours,  and
             God  called  Pastor  Smith  home  to  be  with  him  on  April  27,  2021.  After  his
             passing  –  at  the  approval  of  the  founding  Pastors  Wife  Lady  Markeitha
             Smith,  and  with  the  recommendation  of  his  Superintendent  –  Pastor  Lincoln
             Russell  Sr  –  the  Honorable  Bishop  Sedgwick  Daniels,  General  Board
             Member- assigned Bro Joshua as Interim Pastor of the Greater Praise COGIC
             on Sept 11, 2021.

             Bro  Joshua  loves  the  Lord  and  intends  to  serve  Him  and  His  people  as  God
             would give him the breath and the strength to do so.
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