Page 19 - Pastoral Installation Service Booklet(8.5" x 11")
P. 19
Jeffery Harmon along with his family was devoted members of Williams Temple
Church of God In Christ located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, but it wasn’t until
April 5, 1987 that he gave his life to Jesus Christ at Rehoboth Miracle Temple
In order that he might receive mentor-ship, God placed him at Rehoboth under the
tutelage of his then pastor, Elder Verdell Wallace, where he learned leadership
skills. During this time of spiritual training and development he served as Jr.
Deacon and was elected Vice President of the Y.P.W.W. class.
Pastor Jeff worked closely with Pastor Wallace for many years until God
eventually moved him to work under the leadership of Willie Hines Sr. at Greater
Westside Church of God In Christ. It was at Greater Westside C.O.G.I.C. that he
began to recognize the call that God had placed upon his life for ministry.
In 1999 God moved upon his heart to pastor a church to reach those within the city
of Milwaukee, thus the beginning of New Creation Church Ministries, Inc.
His teaching is direct, efficient, practical, and passionate. All the qualities that
make him a no-nonsense leader.
1 Peter 1:16 “Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy” is the foundational
truth in which he teaches the word of God. He says, “If God requires holiness, why
preach anything less, why teach anything else and why live anything else.”
His preaching style is plain but powerful. His passion for God’s word is evident in
his fiery sermons and sharp imagery in which you will draw from it, spiritual
strength, clear understanding of God’s words and inspiration. You can’t help but
be moved by his exquisite story-telling abilities as he expounds on God’s word
His belief and strong conviction in Matthew 6:33, “But seek ye first the kingdom
of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you”, along
with his anointing, has gifted him in the ability to make the understanding of the
word of God so simple, that at the end of each message it will leave you wanting
more God.
His heart is to reach the lost as well as to assist in the spiritual development of
those within the body of Christ by sharing the message of hope and faith through
his powerful teaching.
Those that have been blessed to sit under his leadership realize that he is totally
committed to T.E.A.C.H {Train, Educate, Always, Christ and Holiness}.
His message is simply…. “You’ve Tried It Your Way, Now Do It God’s Way!
As you receive from this powerful man of God, your life will be enriched and
forever changed by God’s wonderful presence.