Page 5 - Pastoral Installation Service Booklet(8.5" x 11")
P. 5

Thursday                    , APRIL 21, 2022

                                                   Orison at Noon
                                    Consecration and Anointing Service

       The Devotion                                  Evangelism Department and Missionaries
                                                       (President Robinson and Evangelist Russell)
       The Ministry of Giving
       The Introduction of Consecration Leader                 Evangelist Connie Russell
       The Word of God                                                            Pastor Mae Dupree

                                  Vesper at Seven O’clock Post Meridian
                                 Superintendent Lincoln Russell, Moderator

       The Reading of the Holy Writ                                          Pastor Linton Lacy
       The Invocation                                                   Superintendent Curtis Doss
       The Welcome                                                         Mother Delores Williams
       The Observations                                                 Evangelist Connie Russell
       The Prayer for Families                                                   Bishop Leon Davis
       The Ministry of Giving                                         Superintendent Ron Owens
       The District Showcase

                                             PRESIDING DISTRICTS

                                                     Bread of Life
             Superintendent Lincoln Russell and Assistant Supervisor Diane Russell

                   Superintendent Ron Owens and District Missionary Mary Blake

                                                 Lilly of the Valley
             Superintendent Louis Blevins and Assistant Supervisor Deborah Tasker

                                                       New Hope
           Superintendent Nathaniel Cowser and Assistant Supervisor Annie McElory

       The Presentation of The Bishop                  Superintendent L. Michael Blevins

                                                  The Word of God
                                                Pastor Mae Dupree,
                    Lighthouse Fellowship Prayer Tower, Ottawa Lake, Michigan

       The Pastoral Commission                        Jurisdictional and Executive Board
       The Benediction                                                      Pastor Jeffrey Goodman
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