Page 67 - HKPASEA Youth Elite Aspiration Program
P. 67





              中文全名﹕                   魏梓惠
              英文全名﹕                   Ngai Tsz Wai (Charis)
              性別﹕                     女
              職業﹕                     全職學生
              就讀學校名稱﹕                 香港城市大學
              就讀年級﹕                   四年級
              主修科目﹕                   Linguistics
              最高資歷﹕                   Bachelor of Arts(2021)
              語言﹕                     廣東話,英語,普通話

              1.  您對「專資青年追夢計劃」的期望
                 Through 6 sharing, I would like to learn the current situation in HK, thus explore
                 possibilities  and  opportunities  in  future  career.  From  2  visitation,  I  hope  the
                 current  technical  development  will  expand  world  view  about  innovation
                 advancements(and  possible  application  to  HK  situation).  From  the  mainland
                 visitation, I hope to broaden my perspective of other companies, thus inspire the
                 development of my career path.

              2.  您對工作或事業的期望
                  My dream career would fulfill 3 of these criteria; 1. receiving a good income to
                  provide  for  my  parents,  serving  others  and  continuing  life-long  learning.
                  Therefore, becoming a Speech therapist (ST) might be ideal. As life-long learning
                  is vital for me, ST is a career(any career) that encourages or allows opportunities
                  for  ceaseless  learning.  (Personally,  I  would  like  to  pursue  qualifications  in
                  environmental conservation or theology). In addition,being a ST will support my
                  parent’s living and gave them a comfortable life as they have worked hard in the
                  Lastly, a life of serving is a life with meaning. ST provides abundant opptunities
                  for helping people with language disabilities. However, I believe my perception
                  of the world is extremely limited. I would love to explore different possibilities
                  such that my contribution more to the society might increase.

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