Page 109 - BRP 綠色課程之旅報告2022.11.18.
P. 109


               摘要 Abstract

                     這份報告是希望學校能夠採用於天台加設太陽能板,以達到聯合國的 17 個

               可持續發展目標,而基於時間限制,我們只選取了第 7 個目標作為今次主要討

               論的方向。而在香港 2050 年碳中和前,我校可在學界的前列進行對第 7 個可持


                     In our report, we hope that our school can install solar panels on the roof of the school.

               To achieve the 17 sustainable development goals of the UN, there are limitation of time, so we
               are focusing on goal 7 only and doing the discussion about installing solar panels on the roof.

               Before the carbon neutral at Hong Kong in 2050, our school can have a plan for goal 7 earlier.
               That can protect the environment and advertise the 17 sustainable development goals of the


               Keywords: Sustainable Development Goals; Climate change; carbon neutral; solar power

               報告六. 中華基督教會全完中學                                                                      104
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