Page 88 - BRP 綠色課程之旅報告2022.11.18.
P. 88


                                            APPENDIX.   REFLECTIONS

               It is a great honour for us to be able to join the ‘My Interfaces with the Belt and Road Initiative

               -  Integrated Abilities Competition’. We would like to express our greatest gratitude to Mr
               Wilson Chan, the president of the Belt and Road Pioneer and Professor Karen Q. Cheung,

               Executive President & Secretary-General of UNESCO Hong Kong Association for providing
               this precious opportunity to join the ‘sustainable development management’ scheme.

               We had heard about sustainable development many times before, however, our understanding
               to the different goals and aspects of sustainable development was quite limited. After attending

               different talks delivered by Professor Cheung, our knowledge on the history of United Nations
               and sustainable development goals was greatly enhanced. Through listening to the sharing by

               our mentor, their experience of travelling to slums in Cambodia as well as glaciers and wildlife

               in Antarctica, it broadens our horizon and global awareness. We realized more about different
               countries which we usually wont visit, which is a very rare and valuable experience.

               Most importantly, throughout the whole competition and sustainable development scheme. Not
               only do we have a brief understanding on sustainable development, but we also attain an in-

               depth and all-rounded understanding on the 17 sustainable development goals. We believe that
               this experience would be one of the most influential experiences we had in our secondary life.

               The knowledge and skills we gain from these experiences would forever be in the bottom of

               our heart. In the future, we hope that we can join more workshops and activities related to
               sustainable development. In the upcoming future, we promised to try our best in spreading

               sustainable development at schools and implement suggestions that we recommended. With all
               people’s hard work and cooperation, it is believed that student’s awareness can be raised.

               報告四. 中華基金中學                                                                           83
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