Page 84 - BRP 綠色課程之旅報告2022.11.18.
P. 84


                       Our school  has  been actively  and continuously  promoting global awareness  among

                       students.  Therefore,  we  have  a  strong  foundation  of  collaboration  with  different
                       organizations,  including  the  UNESCO  Hong  Kong  Association.  In  the  following,

                       suggestions to make good use of such collaboration and continue to cooperate with
                       other  organizations  will  be  stated,  to  promote  the  awareness  of  sustainable  urban

                       development and responsible consumption among students.

                       With the increasing importance of SDG, more and more organizations are providing

                       relevant activities to promote such knowledge to students, in which UNESCO Hong

                       Kong  Association  is  the  major  game  player.  The  school  should  promote  different
                       activities organized by UNESCO among students. For instance, more students should

                       be encouraged to join the ESD Learning Program, in which students will learn the
                       sustainable development goals in depth through talks by experts, field trips and making

                       a proposal. This would increase their awareness and understanding of the needs and
                       ways of sustainable lifestyles.

                       Apart from the above, our school is also recommended to plan a site visit to CLP Smart
                       Hub and Low Carbon Energy Education Centre.  These two facilities of CLP provide
                       tours and exhibitions to promote the sustainable lifestyle among students, which we
                       should live with the nature harmoniously.

                       Consider one of the targets of Goal 12, activities organized by the Food Angel, a non-

                       governmental organization, is also suggested to be held in the campus, to promote the
                       reduction of food waste among students. Some of the activities provided by the Food

                       Angel include talks by experts and social workers, as well as experience tours.

                       In addition, the school should encourage students to continuously join My Interface
                       with BRI organized by the Belt and Road Pioneers , which includes a series of talks
                       and competitions. This  could increase the knowledge about the green facilities and

               44    CLP Smart Hub and Low Carbon Energy Education Centre

               45    The Belt and Road Pioneers:
               報告四. 中華基金中學                                                                           79
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