Page 80 - BRP 綠色課程之旅報告2022.11.18.
P. 80


                       of  recycling.  Under  the  observation  of  the  environmental  prefect  team,  it  has  been

                       observed there are non-recyclable items in the recycling bins, this is owed to the lack
                       of environmental awareness of recycling and protection.

                     Education  of  students  of  the  awareness  on  the  principles  of  ‘3R’  are  not

                       comprehensive enough. The awareness of reuse and reduction are not enough. Students
                       only rely on the progress of recycling. This produces a large amount of municipal solid

                       waste Excessive takeaway (SDGs 12.3 Problem related to ‘halve global per capita food

                     Facing the problem of large amount of food waste, it has been measured that there
                       are averagely more than half of our schoolmates could not finish their food. Although

                       the school has purchased a food waste processor to deal with such a problem. However,

                       schoolmates have a low understanding and knowledge of environmental issues. The
                       food waste processor is not able to function due to the high workload.

                     Insufficient  use  of  school  resources  (SDGs  12.5  Problem  related  to  ‘substantially

                       reduce  waste  generation’):  The school  has  offered technological  water  dispenser to
                       students. However, the dispenser is not frequently used by students. According to the

                       report from the ICT team, the dispensers have only been used 400 times per dispenser.

               3.4.2   Consumerism  prevails  (SDGs  12.5  Problem  related  to  ‘substantially  reduce  waste

                       Consumerism is a social and economic order that encourages the acquisition of goods

                       and services in ever-increasing amounts. Under globalization, trends and fast fashion

                       of consumerism are spread through the whole community or even whole Hong Kong.
                       People  tend  to  placing  too  much  emphasis  on  personal  pleasure  and  ignore  the

                       destruction caused on the nature.

               3.4.3   Shallow coverage/support from the school and government are insufficient to promote
                       sustainable development

                       Most activities are only for selected students. As a result, most of the students could not

                       join in these activities. Thus, this cannot enhance their environmental awareness. This
                       remains a challenge for the school and the teachers.

               報告四. 中華基金中學                                                                           75
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