Page 75 - BRP 綠色課程之旅報告2022.11.18.
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                       community.  As  the  School’s  Development  Plan  2021/22–2023/24  suggests,  Social

                       Responsibility & Global Awareness is one of the three major concerns of the school for
                       the coming academic years.

                 Fig. 3  CFSS as a membership school              Fig. 4  The cover of our
                        of UNESCO HKA                                     previous report

               2.5     Previous Work

                       Previously, our group conducted research and analysis on SDG 11 “sustainable cities

                       and communities.”  We have suggested different planning for the revitalization and
                       rehabilitation  in  Luk  Keng.  [Fig.  4]  With  such  opportunities,  we  would  like  to
                       continue  with  our  permanent  work  on  sustainable  development  goals.  And  further

                       research on SDG 12 “Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.”

                 12.3   By 2030, halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce

                       food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses;

                 12.5   By  2030,  substantially  reduce  waste  generation  through  prevention,  reduction,

                       recycling and reuse;

               39    The Chinese Foundation Secondary School. “Three major concerns.” (Hong Kong: author, 2021). Retrieved
                  on 16  August, 2022. from
               40    Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change (Geneva:
                  author, 2022), Chapter 8. Retrieved on 16  August, 2022 from
               41    Cham Hei-ching, Chung Chun-hei & Cheung Ho-tin. Managing Natural and Cultural Heritage: A Continuing
                  Challenge (unpublished manuscript, 15  February, 2022).

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