Page 74 - BRP 綠色課程之旅報告2022.11.18.
P. 74


                       Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centers and Associations (CNFUCA), HiESD aims at

                       promoting education for sustainable development in Hong Kong. It provides various
                       training  and  courses  as  long  as  offering  experience  for  students  to  broaden  their

                       knowledge on sustainable development. This have proven the great contribution of the
                       United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the Hong Kong

                       institute of education for sustainable development.

                       According to the Chief Executive’s 2021 Policy Address, the year 2021 was described

                       as an “important milestone in Hong Kong’s waste reduction work.” The Hong Kong

                       government promised to strive for her best in reducing waste reduction and enhance
                       resources recovery.  The government also published the Waste Blueprint for Hong
                       Kong 2035 in February 2021. This blueprint outlines the strategies, goals and measures
                       to tackle the challenge of waste management up to 2035.  In addition, the government
                       announced Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2050, setting out the vision of “Zero-
                       carbon  Emissions‧ Liveable  City‧Sustainable  Development,”  and  outlining  the

                       strategies and targets for combating climate change and achieving carbon neutrality.

               2.4     An Introduction of the Chinese Foundation Secondary School

                       The Chinese Foundation Secondary School (CFSS) aims at achieving 17 sustainable

                       development goals and building a sustainable school environment. The school has long
                       been providing different activities and facilities for students to participate in. As the

                       membership school of UNESCO HKA, CFSS cooperates with UNESCO HKA and

                       provides precious opportunities to students. [Fig. 3] On the other hand, not only do
                       CFSS students rapidly participate in activities and workshops, but they also actively

                       participate in competitions and community contribution. In the near future, we hope
                       that CFSS can keep up with these excellent performances and help to build a sustainable

               36    The Chief Executive’s 2021 Policy Address (Hong Kong: Government, 2021).
                  Retrieved on 16  August, 2022. from
               37    Environmental Bureau. Waste Blueprint for Hong Kong 2035 (Hong Kong: Government, 2021). Retrieved
                  on 16  August, 2022. from
               38    Environmental Bureau. Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2050 (Hong Kong: Government, 2021). Retrieved
                  on 16  August, 2022. from

               報告四. 中華基金中學                                                                           69
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