Page 79 - BRP 綠色課程之旅報告2022.11.18.
P. 79


                  Fig. 7 Our school’s garbage disposers    Fig. 8 Hi 17SDGs’ Online Programme

               3.3.2   Sufficient support from the community

                       Students of CFSS actively participate in activities organized community-wise or global
                       wise. Under the ‘Belt and Road Initiatives’ (BRI), the schools would like student to

                       acknowledge  more  and  gain  broader  understanding  on  China’s  development  plan.

                       Therefore, the school encourages students to broaden their eyesight by organizing study
                       tours or joining ‘belt and road initiatives related activities’. For example, the school has

                       been  continuing  joining  the  ‘Interfaces  with  the  Belt  and  Road  Initiative,  or  My
                       relationship with the Belt and Road Initiative Competition’, which allows students to

                       gain  more knowledge and broaden their eyesight.  Moreover, our schools have also
                       offered exchange and interaction schemes with several mainland cities and organize

                       study tours on an exchange and learning basis.

               3.4     Problems and its Causes

                       Although  there  is  huge  support  from  the  school  and  the  promotion  of  sustainable

                       development  to  students,  a  lack  of  incentives  and  a  low  environmental  awareness
                       problem is still a problem existing at school. Also, the technical facilities and teaching

                       aids may not be able to perform in their best. We would like to point out some of these

               3.4.1   Insufficient education
                       The education on sustainable development and green consumption has not been enough

                       in Hong Kong schools. The following are some of the examples:

                     Misuse  of  recycling  bins  (SDGs  12.8  Problem  related  to  ‘promote  universal

                       understanding of sustainable development lifestyles): Students have low awareness in
                       concerning green consumption. They may have misuse and understanding of the nature

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