Page 73 - BRP 綠色課程之旅報告2022.11.18.
P. 73


                       across all indicators. This facilitates monitoring, tools tracking and visualize progress

                       towards the goals.  SDGs can be promoted to the whole world more effectively.

               2.2     Sustainable Development in China

                       Since  China  has  re-joined  the  United  Nations  in  1975,  the  United  Nations  and  the

                       United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization have provided many

                       assistances to China in promoting SDGs and sustainable development. Not only did the
                       Chinese National Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centers and Associations (CNFUCA)

                       was established, China have also become one of the best performers in achieving SDGs.

                       Recently,  the  Chinese  government  has  paid  attention  to  fulfil  international

                       responsibility on sustainable development. For example, the Outline of the 14  Five-
                       Year Plan (2021–2025) for National Economic and Social Development and Vision

                       2035 of the People’s Republic of China (中華人民共和國國民經濟和社會發展第

                       十四個五年規劃和 2035 年遠景目標綱要) emphasises on the importance of green

                       development. The theme of Part XI is related to “Green Development and Harmonious

                       Co-existence between Humanity and Nature” (推動綠色發展,促進人與自然和諧
                       共  生  ) .  34  In  another  official  document,  the  Outline  Development  Plan  for  the

                       Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (粵港澳大灣區發展規劃綱要),

                       also spent much on discussing related topic. A whole chapter is used to described the

                       path of the development in order to take forwards ecological conservation.

               2.3     Sustainable Development in Hong Kong

                       While looking back to Hong Kong, the Hong Kong institute of education for sustainable
                       development (HiESD) was established in 2003. As the member of the Chinese National

               33   Hannah  Ritchie,  Max  Roser,  Esteban  Ortiz-Ospina  &  Jaiden  Mispy.  “Measuring  progress  towards  the
                  Sustainable Development Goals.” Retrieved on 16  August, 2022 from
               34    中共中央發布:《中華人民共和國國民經濟和社會發展第十四個五年規劃和 2035 年遠景目標綱要》
                  (北京:發布者,2021 年)
                  於 2022 年 8 月 16 日引用自
               35    中共中央、國務院發布:《粵港澳大灣區發展規劃綱要》(北京:發布者,2019 年)
                  於 2022 年 8 月 16 日引用自

               報告四. 中華基金中學                                                                           68
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