Page 32 - Practical Handout bio 2 mnu 2025_Neat
P. 32
Level two – Semester 4 - PharmD Biochemistry-II PB-403 (Practical course) 2024/2025
3. Color
due to the presence of 3 pigments:
a) Normal
pale to dark a) Urobilin.
urine color
yellow b) Urochrome.
c) Uroerythrin.
e.g. diabetes mellitus since
Faint yellow
polyuria causes dilution of urine
or colorless
❖ Hematuria: the presence of
blood as in the case of
Tinge red
❖ Excretion of certain drugs,
b) Abnormal
such as Rifampicin (used in
the treatment of TB).
Yellowish e.g. excretion of bile as in case of
green color jaundice
e.g. utilization of
Orange color phenazopyridine drug (urinary
tract antiseptic).
Black color alkaptonuria
4. Aspect & Sediment
Fresh normal urine Clear with no sediment
Turbidity and Organized structures
sedimentation may be due
such as pus cells and such as phosphate &
to the presence of:
RBCs oxalate crystals
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