Page 10 - 07 March 2025
P. 10

PAGE 10 · THE REPORTER 7 MARCH       2025

                                                0720968062    Congratulations  to  Sa-  If this is the commitment, will
                                mantha  Jean  and  Maurice   there be a Ladies' League in
                                                              Lavin who is expecting their   2025?
                                                              first child.
                                                                                      Kapaailand  travelled  to
                                                              Andries Lefember, broer van   Kokstad  early  on  Saturday
                                                              Reggie  Lefember,  wat  baie   morning to participate in the
                                                              jare by die Munisipaliteirt se   annual  Usher  Cup.  Having
                                                              waterwerke  gewerk  het,  is   left later than expected, they
                                                              Vrydag  28  Februarie  in  die   arrived  minutes  before  the
             Lieflike reën het die afgelope   178  was  also  held  on   hospitaal  oorlede.  Hy  was   first match was to start. With
             twee weke hier in Maclear en   Saturday alfter the golf, but   baie lank siek.  8 players not traveling due to
             distrik  uitgesak  waarvoor   the  weather  and  electricity             them  attending  funerals,
             mense en dier baie bankbaar   outage  after  a  massive   Reggie Lefember moet weer   Kapaailand,  according  to
             was, veral die boere.   storm, seemed to have a big   volgende  week  in  Oos-  their  coach,  had  to  beg,
                                     influence as it was not as well   Londen  wees  by  die  Hart-
             HD  Aucamp  het  by  die                         spesialis.  Ons  bid  hom   borrow  and  steal  some
             S t e l l e n b o s c h   R u g b y    attended.  sterkte toe.           players to field. The first half
             Akademie  aangesluit  onder   On Sunday 23 February, the                 was  a  very  scrappy  affair
             die  wakenede  oog  van   body of a person known in   Dit  gaan  volgens  inligting   against  Soutcoast  Warrior
             voormalige  Springbokke   the community as “Ta Pre”   ook nie baie goed met Kobie   and  although  finding  their
             Ernst  Joubert  en  Juan  de   was found floating near the   Hollenbach  daar  in  Barkly-  rhythhm  the  second  half,
             Jongh,  onder  andere.  Ons   bridge  over  the  R396.  He   Oos nie. Ons bid en dra hom   they  lost.  They  then  played
             bid hom sterkte toe daar.  was  identified  to  be  the   aan die Here op.  Kokstad  second  and  won.
                                     eldest  son  of  former  Police   The  Joe  Gqabi  Elundini   Their final match was against
             David  Aucamp  (jnr)  vertrek                                            Kokstad  1  and  it  was  as
             hierdie  week  terug  na   Warrant  Officer  Majangaza.   Ladies 1st Division was to be   expected tough affair. In the
                                     Our sincere condolences to
             Amerika  om  weer  daar  te   the Majangaza family.  decided  on  Saturday  1   dying  seconds,  with  the
             gaan  werk.  Ons  bid  hom                       March  at  the  Kapaailand   score at 10-10, Kokstad was
             sterkte toe.            Eugene Basson is steeds in   Park rugby field. Sadly, only   awarded  a  penalty,  which
                                     Bloemfontein  in  die  hos-  one  team,  Mount  Fletcher
             The  MACGIE  MOTHS  had   pitaal  waar  hy  behandeling   Rural  pitched  and  after   they  converted  into  points
             their  annual  Golf  Day  on   ontvang. Ons gebede bly by   waiting  for  more  than  an   and the match ended at 13-
             Saturday  and  it  was  well   hom.  Renette  is  by  hom.   hour,  the  tournament  was   10 to Kokstad.
             attended.                                        called  off.  The  teams  who
                                     Haar  suster  kuier  hier  in                    Groete tot volgende keer
             The monthly Steakhouse of   Maclear om na hulle moeder,   did  not  pitch  were  Ngcele   Nic, 0720968062
             the  Maclear  Round  Table   tannie Sylvia, om te sien.  United and Maclear Zebras.

                            Free State flood disaster:

             Eight drown after bakkie swept away

                         Written by
                      Wendy Dondolo
                 Junior Multimedia Journalist

             Eight  people  have  drowned  in
             the Free State after their bakkie
             was  swept  away  by  strong
             currents  while  attempting  to
             cross  a  low-level  bridge  in
             Police  spokesperson  Captain  Loraine
             Earle said that the victims were travelling
             between two farms along Welgeluk dirt   Search and rescue teams retrieve the bodies of eight people
             road  on  Saturday  afternoon,  March  2   who drowned when their bakkie was swept away.
             when  they  attempted  to  cross  the
             flooded Kliprivier bridge.

             The  vehicle  was  over-  operation,  the  bodies  were
             powered  by  fast-moving   retrieved  from  the  water,”
             water,  leading  to  a  tragic   said Earle.
             drowning incident.
                                     Authorities have opened an
             “The vehicle was swept away   inquest  docket  and  are
             by  strong  currents,  leading   investigating  the  circum-
             to the loss of multiple lives,”   stances  surrounding  the
             said Earle.             incident.
             The  victims  included  an   Police have issued a strong
             elderly couple, their 10-year-  warning to the public about
             old grandsons, a 14-year-old   the  dangers  of  crossing
             granddaughter and their two   flooded areas:
             colleagues,  a  34-year-old
             husband and his 33-year-old   “We  advise  the  public  to
             wife  and  their  two-year-old   avoid  crossing  flooded
             daughter.               roads,  bridges,  or  streams,
                                     even  if  the  water  appears
             A  farmer  discovered  the
             scene on Monday morning,   shallow.  Do  not  attempt  to
             March  3,  prompting  an   walk  or  drive  through  fast-
             immediate  response  from   moving  water,  as  its  depth
             search and rescue teams.  and  strength  can  be
                                     deceiving.  Find  alternative
             “Search  and  Rescue  dogs
             with  their  handlers  and   routes or wait for water levels
             police  divers  were  imme-  to  subside  before  pro-
             diately dispatched and after   ceeding.”
             a n   ex t e n s i v e   s e a r c h    IOL NEWS

              The Reporter which is registered at the Post Office as
              a  newspaper  is  printed  and  published  by  the
              proprietors,  Barkly  East  Reporter  cc  (Reg  No.
              2002/024771/23) at 28 Greyvenstein Street, Barkly
              Copyright on all materials in The Reporter reserved
              by the proprietors.
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