Page 9 - 07 March 2025
P. 9
G4S Cash Solutions employee arrested for
kidnapping and hijacking cannot be named
Written by: Jolene Marriah-Maharaj
Senior Digital Journalist, IOL News (Incorporating Lady Grey, Barkly East,
Sterkspruit, Rhodes, Rossouw
and Environs)
The G4S Cash Solutions Employee who was
arrested in the Eastern Cape over the weekend NOTICE 19/2025
in connection with kidnapping and hijacking
cannot be named at this stage. PUBLIC NOTICE
The 40-year-old made a first appearance in the CALLING FOR INSPECTION
Port St Johns Magistrate's Court on Monday. OF THE VALUATION ROLL
The Directorate for Priority G4S security guards were AND THE LODGING OF
Crimes Investigation (known allegedly driving a Toyota A G4S Cash Solutions employee arrested in
as the Hawks) said the court Etios near Ntlaza in Libode, connection with a kidnapping incident in the OBJECTIONS
ruled that the accused's servicing Capitec Auto- Eastern Cape will remain behind bars pending ________________
identity and pictures should mated Teller Machines a formal bail application. Picture: File image Notice is hereby given in terms of Section
not be released at this stage (ATM). 49(1)(a)(i) of the Local Government: Municipal
due to the sensitivity of the "It is alleged that a "It is further alleged armed the forest." Property Rates Act, No. 6 of 2004, hereinafter
case Volkswagen Polo bumped suspects alighted and The arrested suspect, who is referred to as the “Act”, that the General
their vehicle, but the guards instructed the guards to lie employed in Gauteng, was
The matter was adjourned stopped and checked the down on the road and Valuation Roll for the financial years 1 July 2025
for a formal bail application damages." disarmed them of their allegedly found in posses- to 30 June 2030 is open for inspection at the
on March 10, 2025. firearms. sion of firearms and ATM Senqu Local Municipality Offices, from 21
The Hawks said a white keys.
According to Hawks spokes- Toyota Fortuner came from "The suspects then drove off His accomplice is on the run February 2025 to 22 April 2025.
person Warrant Officer nowhere, presumably in a Fortuner and dropped and the Hawks are pursuing An invitation is hereby made in terms of Section
Ndiphiwe Mhlakuvana, two stopped next to the Etios. the guards near Ngqeleni in him. 49(1)(a)(ii) of the Act that any owner of property
or other person who so desires should lodge an
Another month in jail for pensioner, two objection with the Municipal Manager in respect
of any matter reflected in, or omitted from the
others accused of kidnapping Emaan Fatima property valuation roll within the above-
mentioned period on Mondays to Fridays,
Written by: Jolene Marriah-Maharaj The three men charged with the kidnapping of during office hours 08:00 -16:30 .
Senior Digital Journalist, IOL News Your attention is specially drawn to the fact that
an East London girl made their fourth
appearance in the local Magistrate's Court on an objection must be in relation to a specific
Tuesday. individual property and not against the property
valuation roll as such. The prescribed form for
The accused, all foreign nationals, and one of the lodging of an objection is obtainable at the
whom is a pensioner, have not been named as municipal offices at the following addresses
officials cited that more arrests were imminent. where the valuation roll can be inspected:
The trio, aged between 20 "All suspects are to remain in 1. Lady Grey Municipal Offices / Library
and 67, are charged with the police custody." 2. Barkly East Municipal Offices /Library
kidnapping of Emaan There have been a spate of 3. Sterkspruit Municipal Office / Library
Fatima. kidnappings in the country in 4. Rhodes Municipal Library
The nine-year-old was recent weeks, and more 5. Rossouw Municipal Library
snatched on February 4, especially in the Eastern
2025, outside Buffalo Flats Cape. In addition, the valuation roll is available on the
while returning home from Crime statistics showed a municipality's website:
staggering increase in Enquiries: Mr A. Gushmani — 051 603 1322.
It is understood a ransom kidnappings in recent years.
was paid for her release. Police minister Senzo MR. T. MAWONGA
Fatima was held captive for a Mchunu during the release Municipal Manager
week. Her father pleaded on of the quarterly crime Senqu Municipality
national television for his statistics said they were Lady Grey
daughter's release. concerned about the rise in 21 February 2025
kidnappings. __________________________________________________________________________
The Directorate for Priority
Crimes Investigations (known "We note that most of these
as the Hawks) said the men kidnappings are said to be
made a brief appearance in orchestrated from St Albans
court on Tuesday. prisons and the mastermind
of these kidnappings still has
Spokesperson Colonel Avele
Fumba said the matter was access to several cell-
adjourned to March 25 for a phones."
formal bail application. IOL News