Page 7 - 07 March 2025
P. 7
Contributed (Elundini Municipality)
responded. On the 17th of to the commemoration of
T h e D e p a r t m e n t o f locals and people of December 1998 seven men Social Crime Prevention.
Community Safety in Lesotho. According to were delegated to visit This august occasion was
partnership with Peace Chairperson of the Peace Lesotho escorted by the honoured by local traditional
Dagsê. daar geen kontrakteur in sig Committees and Elundini Committee Makhehle police to identify their leaders, the Government of
wat voorbereiding doen vir Local Municipality Safety Gumeke in narrating the livestock where some were Lesotho, the Traditional
Dankie Liewe Vader vir die
pragtige reën wat ons plaveisel nie. Forum held a Social Crime historical background of the identified. They identified leadership of Lesotho, CPF,
ontvang. Oral lyk die velde Diens is swak van die Prevention Campaign with Peace Treaty, this peace some of their livestock and RSA and Lesotho Peace
so mooi groen. kontrakteurs, asook die special focus on stock theft accord came about from the reconciliation talks got Committees.
munisipaliteit. at Upper Tokwana Zamuxolo years of 1993-1996 after underway where they were Local groups showcased
Ons gebede is met die in Ward 14 on the 27th of many lives were lost due to promised that they will be
Pansegrouw familie van Ida Nadat op Indwe 'n pragtige February 2025. the calamity that was returned. On the 28th of their talents to entertain
met Org se siekte. Org is nuwe "Taxi rank" opgerig is, emanating and the situation February 1999 a peace attendees. Soccer kits and a
tans in Bloemfontein in die word dit steeds nie gebruik The programme under the being dire. treaty was reached where trophy were handed over to
hospitaal. Ons bid dat die deur die taxi's nie. theme: "MUSA UKUTHULA Lesotho national as a both the Vultures and Refele
Here vir Org volkome sal laat Is dit ook net 'n wit olifant wat KUSONAKALA" was also In November 1998 police symbol of peace handed (winners) Soccer teams who
herstel. later afgebreek gaan word en commemorating peace were consulted as many lives their national flag. These competed on the day. Dis-
had been lost and police
trict Director for Community
treaty that was signed by the
Inwoners van Barklystraat in nie gebruik gaan word nie? celebrations were the sixth Safety of Joe Gqabi
Indwe kla oor die straat reeds Hoop dat die munisipaliteit where both Lesotho and Monwabisi Mathumbu and
in 2024 omgeploeg is deur 'n sal aandag gee daaraan. locals celebrated together. Chairperson of the Peace
kontrakteur en onbegaan- Baie geluk aan almal wat die Resulting from this agree- Committee Makhehle
baar gelos is. week verjaar. Mag jul 'n ment, Peace Committees Gumeke were handed Sotho
Verskeie ander strate in die geseënde nuwe lewensjaar were established in all areas branded blankets as a token
bo dorp is ook onbegaan- beleef. in the border of Lesotho and of appreciation by the Peace
baar gelaat en tot op hede is Groete the Eastern Cape which led Committees.
District Director for Community Safety of Joe Gqabi
Monwabisi Mathumbu, Elundini Local Municipality
Mayor Mamello Leteba and Chairperson
of the Peace Committee Makhehle Gumeke
Those who bore witness
Nuwe Taxi staanplek
Women in their traditional regalia enjoying the
celebrations and Crime Prevention Campaign
Barklystraat Indwe.
Singing out loud outside the main celebrations
Tilneystraat Indwe