Page 3 - 07 March 2025
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THE REPORTER 7 MARCH 2025        · PAGE 3

             T h e   D e p a r t m e n t   o f    and  between  18  and  24
             Petroleum  and  Mineral   cents  per  litre  for  diesel.   The 2025 budget has been   set to finalise the budget and
             Resources has published the   During  the  period  under   approved after a team led by   table it before parliament on
             o f f i c i a l   f u e l   p r i c e    r e v i e w,   t h e   a v e r a g e    Deputy  President  Paul   March 12.
             adjustments  that  will  take   international product prices   Mashatile, with support from   Cabinet  held  a  special
             effect  on  Wednesday,  5   for  petrol  and  illuminating   the National Treasury, tabled   meeting  on  Monday  to
             March 2025.             paraffin  increased,  while   various  options  that   discuss  the  budget  fallout,   ‘n Vierbal bestaande uit Koos   Molteno  en  wen  die  derde
                                     diesel decreased.        persuaded  the  Cabinet  to
             February  started  with  fuel                    green-light the new budget.  which allowed lawmakers to   Jordaan, Hannes Muller, Pat   m e t   1 5   -   1 3   t e e n
             recoveries  tilted  heavily   On  average,  the  rand                    deliberate  more  about  the   Vorster en Ivan Forward het   Queenstown.
             towards  increases,  but  the   appreciated  against  the  US   In  a  statement,  Cabinet   budget and also impact on   Saterdag,  1ste  Maart  2025   Die  eerste  wedstryd  was  ‘n
             global  price  of  oil  and  the   dollar  during  the  period   mandated  Finance  Minister   citizens.  aan  Molteno  se  opedag   trekking  en  die  volgende
             rand  eventually  stabilised   under  review  compared  to   Enoch  Godongwana  to                deelgeneem.             twee was krag teen krag.
             and then pushed in the other   the previous period.  select  from  their  discussed   This comes after last week,   Die span het goed gevaar en
             direction.                                       options and fund the budget   Cabinet reportedly rejected a   twee van die drie wedstryde   Dit was ‘n goeie poging vir
                                     The average rand/US dollar   in a manner that considered   reworked  Budget,  this  time          v i e r   s p e l e r s   m e t   ‘ n
             This has translated to a small   exchange  rate  from  31   the  fiscal  constraints,   without the 2% VAT increase,   gewen. Die span eindig 4de
             price  cut  at  the  pumps  in   January 2025 to 27 February   mitigated the impact on the   Godongwana  that  this  will   uit 12 spanne.  gemiddelde  ouderdom  van
             March.                                                                                                                    75 jaar.
                                     2 0 2 5   w a s   1 8 . 5 0 4 7 ,    poor  and  middle-income   not work for the people.  Die  span  wen  die  eerste
             Prices will be cut by 7 cents   compared  to  18.7343   households  and  supported                wedstryd    met  10  -  6  teen   Baie dankie aan Molteno vir
             per litre for 93 and 95 petrol,   during the previous period.  economic growth.  President  Cyril  Ramaphosa   Zastron,  verloor  die  tweede   ‘n suksesvolle opedag en ‘n
                                                                                      had  to  set  up  a  team  of   wedstryd  met  12  -  14  teen   veilige rit heen en weer.
                                                              The  room  was  filled  with   Ministers led by Mashatile to
                                                              tension,  as  the  Cabinet   swiftly assist Godongwana in   presented  at  Monday's   an  agreement  on  the
                                                              members  knew  that  the   consolidating cabinet inputs   meeting.       proposed VAT increase.
                                                              decisions made would affect   for further consideration.
                                                              e v e r y   S o u t h   A f r i c a n            So far, the budget has been   The  Democratic  Alliance
                                                              household.              During  a  post-Cabinet   rejected twice by the cabinet.  (DA)  is  among  the  parties
                                                                                      briefing  last  week,  the                       rejecting  the  tax  hikes,
                                                              This  complied  with  the   Minister  in  The  Presidency,   It was postponed last month   saying  this  would  cripple
                                                              provisions  of  section  27  of   Khumbudzo  Ntshavheni,   a f t e r   p a r t i e s   i n   t h e    South Africans financially.
                                                              t h e   P u b l i c   F i n a n c e    stated  that  additional   Government  of  National   Written by
                                                              Management  Act  (1  of   submissions  would  be   Unity (GNU) failed to reach   Kamogelo Moichela
                                                              Godongwana  and  the
                                                              National  Treasury  are  now
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