Page 4 - 07 March 2025
P. 4
all gospel songs: "I would
love to tell you what I think of
Jesus, since I found in Him a
friend so strong and true; I but deep down they lack
would tell you how He discipline.
changed my life completely,
Charles Weigle was an He was stunned, and A prayer to make: Heavenly
itinerant evangelist who depression swept over him He did something that no Father, although I do not
enjoyed traveling and like a tidal wave. One day, other friend could do. No want to lose my spontaneity,
preaching, despite the rigors sitting on the porch of his one ever cared for me like Do you want to be a godly Does the farmer's morning I pray that You will help me
of the road. His wife, cottage, he contemplated Jesus, there's no other friend person? remind you of your own undergird it by sound self-
so kind as He; no one else
however, grew disillusioned suicide. A voice within him could take the sin and spiritual life? Is it sporadic discipline. Help me maintain
with her frequently absent whispered, "Your ministry is darkness from me, o how Then settle the issue once and spontaneous rather this balance all the days of
husband. One day Charles finished. No one cares." But much He cared for me." and for all: the path that than directed? my life. In Jesus' name.
returned home to find this another voice pierced leads to godliness is the Amen.
note: "Charlie, I've been a through the gloom: "Charlie, Have the responsibilities you p r a c t i c e o f s p i r i t u a l Most certainly we should not Further Reading:
fool. I've done without a lot of I haven't forgotten you; I care carry brought you to a disciplines. Some people deride spontaneity, but
things... from here on out, for you." Instantly Charles breaking point? Is the always look for short cuts spontaneity without dis- Proverbs 12:1-15: Whoever
I'm getting all I can out of w a s o n h i s k n e e s , heartache more than you and simpler ways of doing cipline won't get us very far. loves discipline loves
rededicating his life to things and, while that may be
what the world owes me. I can bear? The word for you I am not a good pianist but I knowledge, but whoever
Christ. acceptable as regards some
know you will continue to be today is - "Give all your aspects of living, it is not so have often been told: 'You hates correction is stupid.
a fool for Jesus, but for me, Later he wrote the words of worries and cares to God, for in relation to the care of the play the piano beautifully.' Good people obtain favour
it's goodbye!" one of the most beloved of He cares about you." This is because I am good at from the Lord, but He
improvising a few melodies condemns those who devise
Isaiah 46:4: "I am your God and will take care of you?". John Guest, an American which usually impress those wicked schemes. No one
you until you are old and your hair is grey” 3 John 1:2: "Beloved, I pray that all may go writer, included in a who know little about piano can be established through
Psalm 23: "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not well with you". magazine article the story of playing. w i c ke d n e s s , b u t t h e
want” Isaiah 12:2: "Surely God is my salvation; I will a farmer who went to collect righteous cannot be
Romans 8:28: "And we know that in all things trust and not be afraid". eggs from his chicken shed. Those who are accom- uprooted.
God works for the good of those who love him". Isaiah 49:13: "For the LORD comforts His However, on his way he plished pianists, however, Acts 5:41-42: The apostles
1 Corinthians 3:16: "Do you not know that you people and will have compassion on His noticed that the yard pump realise when they hear me left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing
are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in afflicted ones". was leaking so he stopped to play that my playing is the because they had been
fix it. After that he saw that a result of spontaneity rather counted worthy of suffering
pitchfork needed a new than disciplined practice. disgrace for the Name. Day
handle so he went back to When I was young I would after day, in the temple
his storehouse and got one. not give myself to the courts and from house to
When he had finished fitting discipline of practising the house, they never stopped
the new handle he noticed s c a l e s a n d o t h e r teaching and proclaiming
something else needed fundamental exercises. the good news that Jesus is
doing... and so on. It was late Some people's spiritual lives the Messiah.
morning by the time he are like that. They impress
finally got to collect the eggs. others with their spontaneity 2 Timothy 2:1-10
This is what the ancients
were commended for. By
faith we understand that the
universe was formed at
God's command, so that
what is seen was not made
There are people who have astonished at what they saw, out of what was visible.
been blinded by cataracts allowing their new sense to
from birth who, once they remap how they understood Psalm 146: 8: The LORD
have had them removed as the world. gives sight to the blind, the
adults, can see for the first Many of us are like these LORD lifts up those who are
time. bowed down, the LORD
blind people. When the Lord loves the righteous.
Doctors, in studying all the draws near and comes into
people they could who have our lives, He gives us a new 2 Corinthians 4: 4: The god
had this experience, have sense, a spiritual sense, to of this age has blinded the
discovered many things, and see by faith and not by sight. minds of unbelievers, so that
one in particular. It is that B u t w e a r e e a s i l y they cannot see the light of
people born blind who later overwhelmed and close our the gospel that displays the
in life were able to see, had spiritual eyes, preferring to glory of Christ, who is the
n o d e p t h o r s h a p e make our way in the world image of God.
perception. When asked to with what is familiar. It takes I John 2:11: But anyone
look at an object, they were courage to open our eyes who hates a brother or sister
unable to describe what they and learn to see again and by
were seeing until they could faith. is in the darkness and walks
around in the darkness.
feel it in the way they used to An action to take: What can They do not know where
when they were blind. you see around you in life at they are going, becausethe
They had to learn to see what the minute? Are you seeing darkness has blinded them.
theywere seeing. with eyes of faith, or closed
eyes of the world? Ephesians 1:18-19: I pray
Many who were now able to that the eyes of your heart
see, found the process of A prayer to make: Abba may be enlightened in order
learning to see oppressive Father, open the eyes of my that you may know the hope
and continued to engage in heart to see You. Amen! to which He has called you,
their previous ways of Further Reading: the riches of His glorious
navigating the world. Some Hebrews 11:1-3: Now faith inheritance in His holy
closed their eyes and would is confidence in what we p e o p l e , a n d H i s
not open them for several hope for and assurance incomparably great power
weeks. And some were about what we do not see. for us who believe.
Bible verses about faith Matthew 17:20: "If you have faith as small as a
Hebrews 11:1: "Faith is the assurance of things mustard seed, you can move mountains"
hoped for, the conviction of things not seen" James 5:15: "Prayer offered in faith will make a
Ephesians 2:8-9: "We are saved by grace person who is sick well"
through faith in Christ Jesus and not by our 2 Corinthians 5:7: "For we live by faith, not by
own efforts or works" sight"