Page 1 - 07 March 2025
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Once a year the residents of   6/new-national-park-in-the-  Bulelani Mfuku (Bass Guitar)   common  ground  and   between  generations.   auction during the Dirt Road
             Rhodes  Village  open  their   eastern-cape/     covered  a  range  of  South   friendships  begin.  Two   There's a real pride that goes   Wild  Trout  Festival  that  is
             doors  providing  an  inside   Rhodes residents presented   African jazz and international   groups  chose  the  Stoepsit-  with  making  something   held in March each year. The
             perspective  to  life  in  this   aspects of daily life through   jazz  standards.  The  group   fees  this  year  as  an   yourself and the ability to do   proceeds  are  used  to
             remote  village.  The  festival   demonstrations  of  fly   are alumni of Access Music   opportunity  to  have  a   completely original things is   contribute  to  the  annual
             includes  presentations   fishing,  wool-spinning,   Project  in  Makhanda  and   reunion with friends.   something  that  makes  us   Rhodes Animal Care project,
             about  various  aspects  of   cooking  and  gardening   also spent time at the local   Inspector Purl of the Knitting   h u m a n . ”   S e e ;    p r i m a r i l y   a n   a n i m a l
             village  life,  a  photography   whilst leaving plenty of time   school  in  Zakhele  inspiring   and  Immigration  Police  neutering  event,  under  the
             competition and live music.   to interact and ask questions   youngsters to reach for their   checked passports and has   Participants  knit  squares   auspices  of  the  Primary
             Most importantly, it offers a   about  life  in  this  remote   dreams.  set  the  date  for  next  year's   from a selection of Elle Yarns   Health  Care  programme  of
             unique opportunity to meet   village.  The  Food  Demo  at   A  quirky  activity  during  the   Stoepsitfees that will be held   kindly provided by Saprotex   the  Departments  of  Rural
             l o c a l   r e s i d e n t s   a n d    Studio House was inspiring   event  is  the  Gumboot   on 20, 21 and 22 February   International,  creators  of   Development  and  Agrarian
             experience  rural  hospitality   ,making  use  of  freshly   Throwing  Competition  held   Knitting,  being  an  age-old   high  quality  hand-knitting   Reform.
             at its best!            picked  elements  from  their   at  Walkerbouts  Inn  on  a   “stoep  pastime”  is  a  major   yarns. The squares are then   All  photographs  were
             The  wide  range  of  stoep   veggie garden.     specially prepared “court”. It   feature of the event. “It is one
             experiences  this  year   WEG/Go  Magazine  has   gives  rise  to  much  hilarity   of those reassuring links to   sewn  together  to  make   taken  by  Allan  Isted.  Our
             included  arts  and  crafts   partnered  with  the  Rhodes   and  entertainment  while   our  past,  bridging  the  gap   blankets  that  are  sold  at  grateful thanks to him.
             ranging from wool products   Stoepsitfees  to  encourage   competitors try their best to
             to  pottery,  locally  made   landscape photographers to   create  the  longest  throws.
             cheese  and  pickles,  an   visit the area. The 2024 prize   Several attempts went awry
             indigenous plant nursery, art   winner,  Lize  Stassen  from   and  resulted  in  spectators
             galleries,  Tenahead  Beauty   Wonderboom,  Pretoria  will   rapidly  dispersing  to  avoid
             Spa and the opportunity to   enjoy  a  stay  of  3  nights  at   t h e   r e s u l t   o f   t h e
             meet  the  SANParks  team   Walkerbouts  Inn  for  two.   spectacularly failed tries!
             from  the  Grasslands   Fo l l o w   o u r   p a g e   o n    When  all  is  said  and  done,
             National Park. This is a new   I n s t a g r a m   ( r h o d e s -  the Rhodes Stoepsitfees is a
             national park in the remote   stoepsitfees)  to  view  the   one- of-a-kind  annual
             mountain  landscape  at   entries. Look out for the next   experience.  Participants  left
             altitudes  of  2  500m  and   competition towards the end   with  plans  to  return  with
             more  in  the  North-Eastern   of the year.      friends  in  2026.  Make  the
             Cape  grasslands  of  the   Jazz  Afrika  Collective   most  of  the  road  trip  and
             Rhodes,  Naudé's  Neck  and   delighted  festivalgoers  with   explore  the  Ben  10  Eco              Zakhele visit
             M a c l e a r   ( r e n a m e d    t h e i r   v e r s a t i l i t y   a n d    Challenge, Rock Art and the   Zakhele visit
             Nqanqarhu)  area  where   contagious  enthusiasm  for   magnificent montane vistas
             SANParks  and  WWF-SA   jazz.  Performances  from   - you won't be disappointed.
             have partnered to create this   Sisipho Mangete (Trombone   The delightful thing about a
             park.  See:  https://www.   /Piano),  Siyabulela  Mfuku   small  festival  is  that  it  is
     (Alto Saxophone /Piano) and   personal.  People  find

                           The very talented musicians  from Jazz Afrika Collective.                          The Police at the Rose Garden

                                                       Gumboot throwing oganisers.            Rhodes Hotel Stoepsit               Studio House restaurant

                  Gumboot throwing Champions.              Happy wanderers.            Men lining up for the Gumboot throwing.  Stoepsitters at the Rhodes Hotel
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