Page 2 - 07 March 2025
P. 2


                                                              Potjiekos,  the  dish  consists   for hours on end – resulting
                                                              of  a  variety  of  ingredients,   in  tender  roasts  and  stews.
                                                              t y p i c a l l y   m e a t   a n d    The  pots  were  also  perfect
                                                              vegetables,  layered  in  a   for  storing  meat  until  the
                                                              round  cast-iron  pot  and   next cook.          by Antony Sguazzin, Bloomberg
                                                              placed on open coals. This   ‘Breaking in’ a new pot is   South  African  agricultural   accounted  for  44%  of  the
                                                              style of cooking dates back   essential          exports rose 3% to a record   trade,  Asia  and  the  Middle
                                                              to the 1500s and epitomizes                      $13.7  billion  last  year  led   East 21% and the European
                                                              South  African  cuisine,   A new pot should be ‘broken   by shipments of citrus fruit   Union 19%, the organisation
                                                              rivaled  only  by  the  ever-so-  in’ to get rid of iron taste and   and  grapes,  an  industry   known as Agbiz said. The US
                                                              popular braai.          any residue in the new pot.   body said.         received 4% of shipments.
                                                                                      The inside of the pot should
                                                              The origin of potjiekos                          The  increase  is  the  sixth   Still,  agricultural  imports
                                                                                      then  be  scoured  with
                                                              The  origins  can  be  traced   sandpaper,  washed  and   c o n s e c u t i v e   a n n u a l    jumped  8%  to  $7.6  billion
                                                              back  to  Leiden  in  1574   greased with fat, after which   expansion  of  the  sector’s   because of higher prices of
                                                              during the Eighty Years’ War.   a mixture of leftovers or old   export trade as the country   some of the commodities it
                                                              A  “Hutspot”,  which  is  still   vegetables  should  be   seeks  to  open  up  new   brings into the country such
                                                              cooked  at  the  annual   cooked in the pot for a few   markets  for  its  produce,  a   as wheat, palm oil and rice,
                                                              remembrance  day  of  the   hours.  The  pot  should  be   report  released  on  Monday   the group said.
                                                              Siege  of  Leiden,  closely   rinsed  with  warm,  soapy   by the Agricultural Business   That meant the agricultural
                                                              resembles potjiekos, as it is a   water and the inside coated   Chamber  of  South  Africa   trade  surplus  shrank  2%  to
                                                              layered  “stew”.  The  Dutch   with oil or fat after each use,   showed.  $6.2  billion  from  the  year
                                                              hutspot  originated  in  the   to prevent it rusting.  Other  African  countries   earlier.
                                                              Netherlands during the siege
                                                              and was made up of a mix of
                                                              vegetables  and  sometimes
                                                              The  original  hutspot  recipe
                                                              came from the cooked bits
                                                              of  vegetables  left  behind  in
                                                              pots  by  Spanish  soldiers
                                                              during the siege, which the
                                                              hungry  Leideners  then  ate.
                                                              The dish became a symbol
                                                              of their victory and has been
                                                              adapted to modern times.
                                                              When  the  Dutch  settlers
                                                              arrived in the Cape in 1652,
                                                              their tradition of cooking in
                                                              cast-iron  pots  came  with
                                                              them. These containers were
                                                              ideal  for  the  time,  as  they
                                                              retain  heat  extremely  well
                                                              and  as  such  food  simmers
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